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Iran: Failure of Rouhani’s U.N. Mission, Rises Internal Disputes Among Regime’s Rival Bands


NCRI Staff

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s President Hassan Rouhani before travelling to New York to attend the 72nd United Nations assembly had said that he would make consultation with the world leaders on the nuclear deal, the JCPOA.

He and his regime were trying to put this in perspective that the agreement between the regime and the world powers is in the “interests of security, stability and development of the region and the world.”

Now, with the statements of the U.S. President and other U.S. officials, it became clear that the Iranian regime and Rouhani in particular did not achieve their goals to save the JCPOA and loosen the cord of sanctions. This issue once again sparked fire of factional feud and bandit attacks on Rouhani.

The state-run Alef website wrote: “The U.S. Secretary of State after the end of his meeting with the foreign ministers of the P5 + 1 and Iran, said that the United States has significant problems with Iran’s nuclear deal.”

“Iran has not met the expectations for a more secure and stable region. The US Secretary of State also said “never say never” in a reaction to Hassan Rouhani’s statement that there would be no change in the nuclear deal.

A state-run website affiliated to Khamenei’s band wrote: “While the United States and Europe have launched a dual game for a year with the claim of Tramp’s opposition to JCPOA and possibility of breaking the nuclear deal, the U.S. Secretary of State announced that JCPOA should be made permanent!… The JCPOA agreement in this sense – contrary to some speculations – is not the end of the story but is the start of the story, or at least a new stage of the larger conflict of the arrogance front with our sovereignty, or, in other words, the tip of the iceberg, (Basij News – September 21).

The state-run Kayhan daily affiliated to Khamenei wrote on September 21: “The basic problem at the moment is that the deal has become a one-way agreement, and in fact the nuclear has gone, and sanctions remain.”

“The main plan is to lead us to a path that has another JCPOA at the other end, the purpose of which is to generalize ‘cash measures in return for promises’ in the other components of the power of our system… In the current situation, the government and diplomatic system must defend our rights vigilantly and not be captured by the new American and European games…”

“Statements such as ‘Even if the United States withdraw from the JCPOA, we will adhere to our commitments’ and ‘The Europeans have told us they will continue to do so (stay with the agreement) even if the United States withdraw from JCPOA’ and ‘The countries opposing the JCPOA can be on the JCPOA table if they set aside their bad behavior…’ Regretfully, this is playing game on the enemy’s ground.”

“Some respectable officials say that it is a good model for engaging the West, which is to say, yes, it is a good model, but a good model for the United States and its allies,” said Hossein Shariatmadari, editor in chief of the Kayhan newspaper, referring to Rouhani’s remarks on the case. “The only acceptable translation is the abolition of sanctions, and if the sanctions are not lifted, there is no other achievement. But we see that not only the sanctions have not been abolished, but have been accompanied by additional sanctions over the course of several months, including the heavy sanctions referred to as the ‘Mother of all Sanctions’ scheduled to be implemented on October 15, (Kayhan newspaper – September 21).

Mehdi Mohammadi, a member of Iran’s nuclear negotiation team, exposed a number of other aspects of the regime’s JCPOA “impasse” by attacking Rouhani’s government and wrote in Vatan Emrouz (Today’s Homeland) daily: “When it comes to reforming JCPOA, Americans naturally want to make it worse, and the options are already public and clear, but on the contrary, what Rouhani has said is that if the United States withdraw from JCPOA, ‘Iran will have its own options.’ Neither Mr. Rouhani nor his team has ever publicly said exactly what these options are,” (State-run Vatan Emrouz daily, September 21).

He then pointed to the intensification of U.S. pressure on the regime and concluded: “A series of wrong-doing pulses from within the system (Iran regime) has made the U.S. government to sum up and conclude that the regime’s strategy is ‘maintaining JCPOA at all costs,’ and therefore, even if the heaviest sanctions are imposed, the system will not touch (will fulfill) its JCPOA obligations.”

Mohammadi continued: “This dangerous assumption, by lowering the cost of pressure for the United States, has actually become the infrastructure for accumulating sanctions against the system, and secondly, the United States calculates the following for some misleading addresses sent back from us: In the event of further pressure, the U.S. will be able to obtain more privileges in the non-nuclear spheres.”