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Iran: Thousands Hold Protest Rally Outside Parliament in Tehran


Iranian Resistance hails protesters, calls on public and international organizations to support their cause

Thousands of retired Iranian workers, teachers and other government pensioners from across Iran held a protest rally on Tuesday outside the regime’s parliament demanding an increase in wages and health insurance and calling for the release of imprisoned teachers.

The participants arrived from the provinces of Alborz, Markazi, and Isfahan provinces in central Iran; Southern Khorasan, Northern Khorasan, Khorasan Razavi provinces in northeastern Iran; Gilan, Mazandaran, Semnan provinces in Northern Iran and western province of Kermanshah.

The protesters chanted: “We are the retired, the forgotten,” “Never has a nation seen such injustice,” “I will protest at all costs,” “Our tables are empty of food, while you continue your lies,” “We have a right to a decent life, house and health,” “One less embezzlement, our problems will be resolved.”

The protesters held signs reading: “We demand an increase in our wages to the poverty line of 4 million tomans (around $1,200),” “Poverty line four million tomans, our wages one million tomans (equivalent to $300)”.

They also chanted: “Workers, students, teachers, unite, unite,” “Free all political prisoners,” “Free all imprisoned teachers.”

The participants who pledged to continue their protest chanted: “We demand full and comprehensive insurance, based on our rights,” “As long as we live under the poverty line we will continue demanding our rights,” “No to all talks, yes to our rights being recognized.”

This rally is taking place parallel to demonstrations and protests staged in Tehran, Mashhad and other cities by thousands of investors whose savings and belongings have been plundered by financial institutions linked to the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) and other state institutions.

The Iranian Resistance, hailed those protesting on Tuesday outside the regime’s parliament, protesting investors whose savings have been plundered as well as protesting teachers, workers, nurses, college students and … who have been deprived of their rights in Iran under the mullahs’ rule.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all Iranians, especially the youth, to rise in support of these protesters and calls on labor unions, teachers and retired workers in countries across the world, and relevant international organizations to express their solidarity with protest rallies in Iran and condemning the mullahs’ repressive and cruel policies.

Poverty, inflation, unemployment and the country’s devastated economy is the result of 38 years of a religious dictatorship ruling over in Iran.

Mullahs are spending much of Iran’s resources for domestic crackdown, export of terrorism and nuclear projects while senior elite continues to plunder a big share. As long as this regime is in power this crisis will only deepen and intensify.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 22, 2017