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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Two IRGC Bases Targeted in Mashhad and Kashan

Iran: Two IRGC Bases Targeted in Mashhad and Kashan


NCRI-50Retribution for destruction of homeless shelters

in Baluchistan by repressive State Security Force

On Friday, January 22, 2021, the clerical regime’s judiciary agents, together with the repressive State Security Force (SSF), razed the houses of Baluchi flood victims in Zarabad district of Konarak city (Southeast Iran) and assaulted and arrested three Baluchi citizens who were trying to intervene.

In the early hours of Monday, January 25, 2021, in response to the clerical regime’s repressive act, defiant youth targeted two IRGC centers in Mashhad and Kashan and set fire to their entrances and front signs. Also, in Tehran, defiant youth set fire to a large banner of Khamenei, the regime’s criminal Supreme Leader.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
January 27, 2021

Mashhad – The repressive IRGC’s Basij base – January 25, 2021
Mashhad – The repressive IRGC’s Basij base – January 25, 2021
Kashan - The repressive IRGC’s Basij base – January 25, 2021
Kashan – The repressive IRGC’s Basij base – January 25, 2021
Tehran – Torching large banner of Khamenei – January 25, 2021
Tehran – Torching large banner of Khamenei – January 25, 2021
Zarabad district of Konarak – Regime Judiciary agents and SSF destroyed the makeshift shelters of flood-stricked Baluchies, while beating and arresting three locals who were trying to prevent them – January 22, 2021
Zarabad district of Konarak – Regime Judiciary agents and SSF destroyed the makeshift shelters of flood-stricked Baluchies, while beating and arresting three locals who were trying to prevent them – January 22, 2021
