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HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsIran: A Letter of Support for Political Prisoners on Hunger Strike

Iran: A Letter of Support for Political Prisoners on Hunger Strike


NCRI – The political prisoner, Ali Moezi, detained in Tehran’s Central prison, wrote a letter announcing his support for the political prisoners on hunger strike in Gohardasht prison in Karaj.

In this letter, he recalled his memoirs from Gohardasht prison in Karaj, whose space reminds the memories of the martyrs of 1980s, particularly the martyrs of the 1988 massacre in Iran.

Mr. Moezi reminds the martyrdom of some of the political prisoners in recent years in Gohardasht and writes:

“In recent years, martyrs such as Hojjat Zamani, Ali Saremi, Valiollah Feyz Mahdavi, Abdolreza Rajabi, Mohsen Dogmehchi, Mansour Radpour and Shahrokh Zamani… as well as several Sunni political prisoners, have lost their lives in this prison.

“From the point of view of a conscious element, giving in to the repressive systems and living a life of inaction is nothing but a humiliated treacherous life. Real life is in response to the need of our time and calls for resistance and sustainability.

“What has now pushed the regime of suppression to put pressure on the political prisoners in Gohardasht three years after the bloody raid on Ward 350 of Evin prison and forcefully dispersing the political prisoners there? There is no reason except proliferation of sustainability and resistance centers?”

“The political prisoners in Gohardasht prison…, some of whom are spending the second decade of their long term imprisonment, have been on hunger strike to protest their forceful displacement after long infringement of their rights and restrictions imposed on them.”

“What makes these hunger striking prisoners united and persistant despite their different perspectives is their belief in their sustainability and resistance.”

“Long hunger strikes, after years of imprisonment, have irreversible physical complications. I salute all of them and draw attention to the former and current political prisoners and ask all their families and their relatives and other honourable compatriots to advocate for and support them. The eternal life belongs to the best people who please God and people with worthy and necessary actions and call for perseverance and justice.”

Political Prisoner Ali Moezi

Central Prison of Tehran

14 August 2017