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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismU.S. Sanctions on Iran "Tightens the Screws on Our Most Dangerous Adversaries"

U.S. Sanctions on Iran “Tightens the Screws on Our Most Dangerous Adversaries”


By Shahriar Kia

Securing a corridor through Iraq, Syria and Lebanon that will provide a supply route for Iran, is a move the regime is attempting. It is aimed at maintaining Tehran’s pursuit of its regional policies. However, this objective is in conflict with those of the regional and global coalitions to fight terrorism and extremism.

To prevent this, Shahriar Kia, Iranian dissident and a political analyst, writes in his article for Riyadh Daily that, “Eviction of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and all its proxy forces from the Middle East must complete the new US Congress sanctions. With President Donald Trump signaling his approval, this first and foremost step should be taken without hesitation following the sanctions.”

In an overwhelming majority, the US House of Representatives voted to issue new sanctions against Iran, along with North Korea and Russia. The House voted 419-3. House Speaker Paul Ryan explained that this new bill “tightens the screws on our most dangerous adversaries.”

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), Maryam Rajavi, welcomed the adoption of a bill which imposes new sanctions on the Iranian regime for violating human rights and pursuing ballistic missiles.“Since several years ago, the Iranian Resistance had urged the terrorist designation of the IRGC, as it preserves the entirety of the clerical regime and acts as its main apparatus for domestic suppression and export of terrorism and fundamentalism,” she said, adding, “However, the policy of appeasing the mullahs’ religious dictatorship paved the way for the IRGC and its proxies’ rampage in the entire region.”

Iranian officials have acknowledged they Tehran is funding and supporting the militia forces in Iraq and Syria, and their vested interest in occupying neighboring countries.

ISIS is losing ground, and Iran would like to fill the power vacuum. Still, the regime is not capable of doing so without IRGC support.

Even with the new sanctions, however, regime change is what will finally end the threat of Tehran. This will not only benefit the people of Iran, but will put a stop to its destructive foreign policy, both inside the country and abroad.

The Iranian people’s desire for change was expressed at the July 1st “Free Iran” gathering in Paris. Tens of thousands of Iranian expats as well as hundreds of politicians, activists and religious figures from across the glove attended the rally, and expressed their solidarity and support for freedom and democracy in Iran.

The message of this event was clear. Regime change in Iran is the only viable solution for the people of Iran and the region. Foreign conflicts unneccesary, as the people of Iran and their organized resistance have the will, power and means to bring about this change.

Saudi Prince Turki Al Faisal also addressed the massive gathering, saying, “So, you have coming together now a mighty coalition of forces, joining with the Resistance, and that should give us hope that we can make that [regime] change.”