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Iran Regime’s Parliament Plan to Deal With the Sanctions of U.S. Senate – Appropriation of 1000 Billion Tomans to Iran’s Missile Program


NCRI – The head of Iranian regime’s parliamentary research center said on Tuesday June 27 that the plan to counter U.S. actions will be presented to the parliament next week. According to Iran’s state-run TV, Kazem Jalali reiterated: “In this plan to counter the U.S. actions, some 1000 billion Tomans (~0.3 billion dollars) is appropriated to Iran’s missile industry.”

Jalali noted that the plan has 17 articles and 10 sections and stated: “Section 7 of the plan emphasizes the support for the country’s armed forces. In this section, the government is obliged to appropriate 1000 billion Tomans to expand the missile activities and confronting terrorism and allocate another 1000 billion Tomans to IRGC’s Quds force.

Earlier, the head of the regime’s National Security Commission said the plan was prepared in response to recent U.S. Congressional action against Iran.

On June 15 this year, the U.S. Senate approved a bill with an overwhelming majority to deal with the destabilizing actions of the Iranian regime. In this plan, Iran’s ballistic missile program is considered a threat.

The bill introduces binding sanctions against anyone involved with Iran’s ballistic missile program as well as business partners.

In addition to the plan, the US has also imposed unilateral sanctions in the recent months on individuals and companies associated with the Iranian regime’s missile program in response to missile tests.

In the same vein, a US State Department spokesperson said last week: “We will continue to observe Iran’s ballistic missile program. We are monitoring this program very carefully and closely.”