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Sky News Report on Increasing U.S. Sanctions Against Iran Regime


NCRI – New punishing measures adopted in the US Senate reflect the message of Washington to Tehran that the era of dialogue is over.

Sky News TV, 17 June 2017:

Following the imposition of new punishing measures by the US against Iran, the parliament of this country threatened to take retaliatory action against the laws of Congress. This is an escalating crisis threatening the diplomatic nuclear agreement reached a few years ago between Iran and the US.

The period of dialogue is over and the time has come for Tehran to pay the price for its terrorism. This is why the US Senate imposed its new punishing measures against Iran.

Iran has been voicing threats ever since Donald Trump became president, and yet these threats have remained words. These Senate sanctions include the Revolutionary Guards and those involved in its ballistic missile missiles. These punishing measures include a ban on weapons sales to Iran.

Based on US laws these punishing measures will be imposed when the House of Representatives and Donald Trump sign off on the bill.

From the Congress’ point of view the message of these punishing measures is that the era of dialogue is over. The status quo is a clear sign of Trump’s positions, being against the nuclear deal with Iran. From Trump’s point of view such a deal has allowed Iran continue its behavior. Iran’s support of international terrorism is not the only motivation behind opposing this deal. In fact, Washington believes Iran’s nuclear program and ballistic missiles are a direct threat to the security of the region and the globe.