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Message of Support From Italian Senator to Iranian Opposition Grand Gathering



NCRI – Senator Paolo Corsini, Vice Chairman of the Italian Senate Foreign Relations Committee, sent a video message expressing his support for the Iranian opposition convention scheduled for July 1st.

“First of all, I want to send my greetings and salutations to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi as I had the chance to meet her on different occasions. In Italy, in the House of Representatives and the Senate, and Senate human rights hearings.

I must say she is a woman representing hope for change in Iran, development and encouraging human rights and democratic freedoms.

Mrs. Rajavi is a tireless fighter that in my opinion is a major symbol for European democrats.

Furthermore, we are following the conditions in Iran with concern. Because we are informed that the human rights situation remains dreadful. Where human beings are insulted and executions continue. Civil and political rights, and most importantly human rights are fundamental basics that are not respected by the regime in Iran.

I can tell you about Camp Liberty for example. Finally, resulting from the measures taken, and the small effort we placed, we were able to transfer some of them to Albania. Although being far from their country is hard, at least they are in a place where their rights are not violated.

A more serious concern is Iran’s political leadership. A government that is leading the country to a complete isolation. The Arab summit in Riyadh led to sanctions against a regime that supports sectarian and even terrorist groups.

We hope a popular movement will rise and their struggle will lead to a laic and pluralistic government that respects women’s rights, a government that provides basic human rights and humanitarian rights. This is our hope and wish.

When Mrs. Rajavi, and all those who are depending on her, gain the support and international solidarity of all democrats across the globe, one can say windows of hope will open and certainly the Iranian people will look at their future with hope.”