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HomeIran News NowIran Culture & SocietyIran: The Mafia of Import & Crimean–Congo Hemorrhagic Fever

Iran: The Mafia of Import & Crimean–Congo Hemorrhagic Fever


NCRI – The spread of Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever has taken the lives of a number of people and hospitalized dozens of others.

Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever is one of the most dangerous illnesses and has recently been witnessed in a number of Iranian cities. At least three people have died to this day. The provinces of Kermanshah, Hormozgan, Khorasan, Isfahan, Khuzestan and Sistan & Baluchistan have reported such cases and unfortunately the virus is spreading. All the while regime officials are denying such an issue.

“Early this year there was one fatality due to this illness,” the semi-official Tasnim news agency reported on May 29th citing Ebrahim Shakiba, deputy health affairs chief of Kermanshah Province.
The Iranian regime is attempting to minimize the entire issue and yet fails to provide an explanation about why the livestock are becoming ill with this illness.

Meat imports are the main reason behind this fly spreading, according to the state-run Jam-e Jam website on May 28th.

Unfortunately the Livestock Organization has failed to appropriately monitor the traditional and industrial methods of livestock care. This in itself has led to the spread of this illness from animals to humans, according to the report.

This fever causes major bleeding under the skin and one method of becoming ill is the individual having direct contact with the blood or other discharges of an animal infected to this virus.
In the past decade each year Iran has witnessed such cases.

In 2012 symptoms were witnessed in 27 out of 31 provinces and all signs indicated the illness entered Iran through imports.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are the source of this fever to Iran, according to the semi-official ISNA news agency on May 29th.
One can truly say the state-run mafia is involved in importing infected meat, as it is involved in many other issues. Time and again regime officials have unveiled many unknown matters in this regard.

“Today, economic competition has reached the point that the import mafia is importing non-standard food stuffs into the country… Unfortunately, in addition to various homegrown products being infected, the safety of our imported goods are now questioned, meaning they are imported into the country through smuggled routes and there are many questions about who is involved in this import mafia,” according to the state-run E’temad daily back in September 2013.

Contaminated rice, fruits, wood and … are other examples of this mafia at work.

The necessity sensitivity to prevent such an outbreak of this disease is non-existent in Iran, and no health or medical methods are used to contain such a dilemma. State factions, in charge of official border crossings and piers, are the main elements involved in importing contaminated food stuffs into Iran.