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HomeIran News NowIran Culture & SocietyUnemployment of More Than 1,000 Miners in a Mine in Iran

Unemployment of More Than 1,000 Miners in a Mine in Iran


NCRI – Closure and transfer of mines in Savadkooh, Mazandaran province (northern Iran) forced about a thousand miners in that city to stay at home or into unemployment. Mehr News Agency reported on Wednesday, May 24.

It caused workers to stage a protest gathering in the central square of Savadkooh, since miners’ salaries have not been paid for last 4 months. According to that News Agency.

“We have not been paid for four months and now we are told that the mine is closed, therefore, we are gathered in the town square to protest”. One of the miners specified.

In a letter to Saman Corporation, miners stated that they do not want to work under existing contract and have consequently shut down the mine work.

“Our lives, spin around this mine and there are no other work for us to do in Savadkooh”.Another mineworker stressed and added: that miners do not want to work for the contractor and reiterated that: “The mines owner is Saman corporation and that company should be held accountable because the contractors are not thinking about the miners welfare”.

Another driller also announced that no one care about working class, saying: “If we protest, we get interrogated while our plight is due to the contractors and Saman corporation”. Workers have criticized the performance of the contractor companies and have been demanding improved working conditions in different parts of Iran in recent years.

Abdoljavad Touhidi, local governor of Savadkooh claimed that some workers of private sector and contractors did have unpaid wage issues with Saman corporation for years and some have excited the workers.

Layoffs, unemployment, unpaid salaries for few or several months and lack of job security or rights are some of the problems of Iranian workers under clerical regime.

The Free Iranian Workers Union, made an announcement on May 19th, 2017 that Ahab contracting company in Tehran has fired its 525 workers. According to “United” the Free Iranian Workers Union site, these workers are getting laid off while three months of their salaries, wages and bone haven’t been paid. This company was active in construction projects, including construction of the subway tunnels in Tehran.

Fars an IRGC News Agency on April 11, 2017 also reported closure of highway by some of Anguran mine workers in Zanjan province. The miners were also prevented traffic and truck loading of ore in the mine. According to this report a number of villagers near the mine of Anguran also were protesting together with mineworkers.

Anguran mine located in Zanjan province that once was known as the Middle East’s largest lead and zinc mine.