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HomeElection Old-News and ArticlesIran: Discrimination Against City Councils' Candidates of Religious Minorities

Iran: Discrimination Against City Councils’ Candidates of Religious Minorities


NCRI – Iran’s Guardian Council calls for the disqualification of non-Muslim candidates taking part in city and village council elections.

Guardian Council chief Ahmad Jannati issued a statement ordering the disqualification of non-Muslim candidates in areas “with Muslim majority populations.”

Jannati cited a speech delivered by Iranian regime founder Ruhollah Khomeini who considered non-Muslims registering as candidates in city and village council elections “against Sharia regulations.”

In one of his speeches Khomeini described city council candidates as individuals who must be “devoted” and “Muslim.”

The farce city and village council elections are held coinciding with the May 19th presidential election in Iran.

Jannati is also known to have made startling remarks about Iranian women.

“Women going to college is one of our major problems,” he said.