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Iran: Mullahs’ Supreme Court Confirms the Death Sentence for 7 Sunni Political Prisoners


Call for urgent action to save their lives

and visit regime prisons and meet with prisoners

NCRI-50Today, September 10, for a third time, Branch 38 of the Mullahs’ Supreme Court upheld the death sentence against seven Sunni political prisoners held in Ward 7 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, west of Tehran.

Farhad Salimi, Qassem Absteh, Davood Abdollahi, Ayub Karimi, Anwar Khezri, Khosrow Besharat, and Kamran Sheikha, incarcerated in Urmia, Evin, and Gohardasht prisons for 11 years, had previously been sentenced to death in Branches 41 and 42 of the Supreme Court. Due to the objection of the prisoners’ families, the Supreme Court had accepted their appeal for retrial and referred the case to Branch 38.

The seven political prisoners were arrested in 2009 based on a fake scenario by the Ministry of Intelligence and were charged with “acting against national security,” “propaganda against the regime,” “membership in Salafi groups,” “corruption on earth,” and “Moharebeh (waging war against God).” They have repeatedly gone on a hunger strike to protest the inhumane prison conditions.

These execution sentences are meant to intimidate the public and prevent popular uprisings. The Iranian Resistance urges the United Nations Secretary-General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Human Rights Council, and the relevant UN special rapporteurs, as well as international human rights organizations, to take urgent action to save the lives of these prisoners. It also reiterates the need for an international investigative mission to visit Iran’s prisons and meet with political prisoners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
September 10, 2020
