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HomeStatementsCriminal Sentences of Imprisonment and Flogging for Eight Protesters, Including a 13-Year-Old...

Criminal Sentences of Imprisonment and Flogging for Eight Protesters, Including a 13-Year-Old Child

Flogging, MEK, shiraz, children

NCRI-50UN, human rights, and children’s rights activists urged to take immediate action to secure the release of detained protesters
And a visit by the international fact-finding mission with prisoners, especially political prisoners in Iran

Yesterday, the clerical regime’s court in Shiraz sentenced eight of those arrested in the November Uprising to 30 years in prison, 296 lashes, and large fines. They have been charged with “disturbing public order and participating in the destruction of public property.”

Among those arrested were a 13-year-old child and a 17-year-old teenager, each of whom was sentenced to three years in prison.

According to reports, the clerical regime’s henchmen brutally torture the detained protesters to force them to make confessions.

The Iranian Resistance once again urges the United Nations Secretary-General, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and advocates of human rights and children’s rights to take immediate action to secure the release of detained protesters and to send international fact-finding missions to meet with prisoners, particularly political prisoners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
September 4, 2020
