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HomeElection Old-News and ArticlesIran Regime's Guardian Council: Rohani Must Be Re-Qualified for the Next Term

Iran Regime’s Guardian Council: Rohani Must Be Re-Qualified for the Next Term


NCRI – Spokesman for the Guardian Council talked once again about the possibility of President Hassan Rouhani’s disqualification and said that qualification of the President is limited to four years and he must be re-qualified for the next term.

Abbasali Kadkhodaie in an interview with the weekly “Mosallas” that was published on Sunday, April 2, on the Entekhab website, in response to a question about the nomination of Hassan Rohani after meeting with Khamenei said, “We are going our own way.”

Kadkhodaie announced that parliamentary and presidential elections qualification of all candidates “is limited to the same four-year period.”
He added that the former opinion of the Guardian Council about the qualification of the President, was for the past four years.

Abbasali Kadkhodaie had said on January 4, 2017 that the Council always checks the qualification of “sitting” Presidents for their second term and there was “no guarantee” that the incumbent president would be re-qualified.

Ten days after these words, Nejatollah Ebrahimian, another member of the Guardian Council, said that legally there is no difference between the president and others, and the president may also be disqualified.

In response, some so-called pro-reform figures, including Feyzollah Arabsorkhi, described the purpose of raising this debate as to “demoralize reformers”.

Meanwhile, Mohammad Reza Tabesh, vice chairman of the parliamentary faction of Omid on February 5, 2017 announced “the problem of disqualification” of Hassan Rohani in presidential elections of 2017 was resolved “with the guidance of the regime’s senior officials,” stressing that the purpose of psychological warfare against President was to dissuade him from standing in elections.

Tabesh did not express more details about what he called, “resolving the problem of disqualification of Rouhani with the guidance of senior officials”.

But political figures and Iranian websites in some cases that do not have the possibility of naming Khamenei explicitly, refer to him as “a regime’s high official”.