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HomeIran News NowLatest News in Brief-Live UpdatesLatest News in Brief – August 20, 2020

Latest News in Brief – August 20, 2020

Iran, Mazandaran Province - The spokesperson for the Health Ministry: The situation in Mazandaran is still problematic and fragile. All cities in the Province except one are red.
Iran, Mazandaran Province – The spokesperson for the Health Ministry: The situation in Mazandaran is still problematic and fragile. All cities in the Province except one are red.



Iran: Coronavirus Update, Over 91,700 Deaths, Aug 20, 2020, 6:00 PM

Iran, Tehran, Coronavirus, Alzahra University
Iran: Coronavirus Update, Over 91,700 Deaths, Aug 20, 2020

NUMBER OF VICTIMS (AS OF Aug 20, 2020, 6:00 PM CEST):

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK) announced this afternoon, Aug 20, 2020, that Coronavirus has taken the lives of more than 91,700 in 394 cities across Iran. The death toll in various provinces include: 22385 in Tehran, 6556 in Khorasan Razavi, 4358 in Mazandaran, 4046 in Isfahan, 3876 in Gilan, 2680 in Golestan, 1459 in North Khorasan, 1446 in Kerman, 1166 in Markazi (Central), 1163 in Semnan, 1120 in Bushehr, 859 in Zanjan. 766 in Gazvin. This is in addition to reports obtained from other provinces.




Iran Regime Ordered Assassination of Rafic Hariri

Iran regime's role in the assasination of Rafic Hariri and protests in Lebanon necessiates to put an end to the IRGC and mullah's presence ME

The information published by the Iranian resistance revealing the Iranian regime’s role in the assassination of  Rafic Hariri, former Lebanese Prime Minister, along with ongoing protests in Lebanon following the massive explosion in Beirut, underlines the need to stop the Iranian regime’s terrorism.  

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Iran’s Regime Declares “Economic Breakthrough” as Futile Effort To Hide Looming Disaster

Iran’s Regime Declares “Economic Breakthrough” as Futile Effort To Hide Looming Disaster
Iran’s Regime Economy: “Economic Breakthrough” or Economic Disaster

The Iranian regime has a new scheme for fighting back against US sanctions. The regime’s President Hassan Rouhani began heralding its own plans as an “economic breakthrough” even before those plans went into effect. But this scheme is not working as he expected.

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Q&A: National Council of Resistance of Iran President-elect Maryam Rajavi


Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the world’s largest Iranian dissident organization, which seeks to replace Iran’s theocratic regime with a democracy, provided the following exclusive answers to questions from The Washington Times.

The Washington Times: In what way is your organization’s gathering this year different from the previous gatherings it has held over the past 17 years? What does the organization’s leadership, and what do the participants in this year’s convention hope to achieve and what message do they have for the International Community and the United States?

Mrs. Rajavi: The annual gathering this year is taking place in the aftermath of major developments that unfolded over the course of the previous year. Among those are: the major uprising in November 2019, where the people demanded the regime’s overthrow; the January 2020 uprising, in which in their slogans people rejected both the Shah’s (monarchy) and the mullahs’ regimes, and instead demanded the establishment of a republic based on universal suffrage; the regime’s parliamentary elections were dismissed through a nationwide boycott; the coronavirus catastrophe has claimed the lives of 70,000 of our compatriots as a result of the regime’s criminal policies; the deepening economic crisis has continued, with a 50% inflation rate and a 30% decline in the value of the national currency over the past few months alone.

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The Washington Times – Rudy Giuliani – Former Mayor of New York City: ‘Regime falls from the bottom up’

“Most importantly, broadcasting it right into Iran so that the people who are oppressed can understand the single most important thing they need to accomplish regime change…”


Lebanese Hezbollah Operatives Conviction Should Set the Stage for Action Against Iranian Handlers

The UN Special Tribunal for Lebanon in The Hague, Netherlands

On Tuesday, a special tribunal in The Hague finally brought some resolution to a 15-year-old terrorism case. The trial had been dogged by a variety of complications and obstructions, many of which were orchestrated by the Iranian regime in an effort to avoid accountability for its most longstanding foreign terrorist proxy, Lebanese Hezbollah.

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Maryam Rajavi: We urge all governments and international bodies to stand with the people of Iran in this historic showdown against the religious dictatorship which is the greatest threat to world peace and security


The Assassination of Rafic Hariri Was Ordered by Khamenei, Plotted by Qassem Soleimani, and Carried Out by the Lebanese Branch of the IRGC


Ten years ago, Khamenei said this court would be a sham, and its verdict would be rejected

After 15 years, the UN special court for Lebanon issued its ruling today, although the mullahs’ regime, the IRGC’s terrorist Quds Force, and the Lebanese Hezbollah used all their diplomatic, economics and terrorist leverage and everything else in their power to cover up the evidence and disrupt the course of the court’s investigation. For example, they hid the suspects and the perpetrators of the crime and refused to hand over the accused to the court and did not even allow them to be interrogated.

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Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 394 Cities Exceeds 91,200

Rising covid-19 death toll in Iran

Holding the university entrance exams without upholding minimum health protocols is sending the students to the Coronavirus killing field

  • While local regime officials acknowledge the severe shortage of health care facilities and the high cost of equipment, including masks, Rouhani claimed, many health services have been provided to the public for free. Compare with other countries to see how much they charge in cash to fight the Coronavirus, he said.
  • Alireza Zali, head of the National Coronavirus Combat Taskforce (NCCT), in Tehran: Some restrictions should continue in the fall. Students’ physical presence in schools may be limited. This fall will be the most challenging autumn.
  • Vice president of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences: In the last six months, 2,500 people have died of coronary heart disease in the hospitals covered by this university (excluding Kashan, Aran va Bidgol). For two weeks, the number of hospitalizations was 800 to 900 but increased to 900 – 1000 in the past five days. There is a possibility of an exponential rise in the outbreak in September. The medical staff are exhausted, bonuses and overtime pay for doctors and staff are overdue for 14 and seven months, respectively… The main problem apart from fatigue is that we have no concentration on disease management. (ISNA, August 19)
  • The spokesperson for the Health Ministry: The situation in Mazandaran is still problematic and fragile. All cities in the Province except one are red.

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Iran News on Coronavirus Update-90,700 death–August 18, 2020


Iran State-Media Reflect Mullahs’ Utter Fear of Major Protests

Iran State-Media Reflect Mullahs’ Utter Fear of Major Protests
Iran, Protests in Tehran December 2017– January 2018 – file photo

In recent days, in reaction to series of international and domestic developments, the Iranian regime’s state-run media outlets are warning about looming uprising, reflecting the regime’s utter fear.  

These media outlets have reacted to the following issues:  

  1. The coronavirus outbreakits rising death toll, and effect on the restive Iranian society.  
  2. The regime’s deceptive economic plan, or so-called “economic relief,” which is nothing but selling oil to the people. And the subsequent decrease of Iran’s stock market rate.  

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NCRI-US Virtual Conference on Iran’s Arms Embargo: Stop Mullahs’ Regime Terrorism

Arms embargo

The National Council of Resistance of Iran United States Representative Office (NCRI-US) held a virtual conference today over the importance to reimpose the United Nations arms embargo on the Iranian regime. This event was attended by several American political dignitaries and experts. The participants of this event underlined that it is crucial for the world’s peace and security to reimpose all the UN sanctions on the Iranian regime. While the Iranian people are grappling with poverty and now the COVID-19 outbreak with its rising death toll, the Iranian regime wastes billions of dollars on terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

This event was moderated by Mr. Alireza Jafarzadeh, the Deputy Director of the NCRI-US office.

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Iran: 18th day of oil, gas, and petrochemical workers’ strike in 23 cities

Protests by oil sector workers in Iran

The 18th day of the strike of workers in Iran’s oil and petrochemical industries and power plants continued on Tuesday, August 18.

The protesting workers did not return to work and continue to insist on their demands, which were announced since August 1, when the strike began.

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Five inmates, including one woman, executed in northeast Iran

Iran under the mullahs’ regime has the highest number of executions per capita in the world

Five death row inmates, including one woman, were all executed early Tuesday morning local time in the city of Mashhad, northeast Iran. The names of these latest victims executed in Mashhad’s Vakilabad Prison are:

-Mr. Ardeshir Bahadori

-Mr. Ali Gholami Aghouie

-Ms. Marzieh Ebrahimpour

-Two other inmates whose names have not been published as of yet.

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Iran news in brief, August 20, 2020

Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 394 Cities Exceeds 91,200
Five Inmates, Including One Woman, Executed in Iran
NCRI-US Holds Conference on Iran’s Arms Embargo



Thursday, August 20, 2020, marks the 278th day since the beginning of the nationwide Iran protests.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) has identified 755 of the more than 1500 protesters killed by the regime so far.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has called on the United Nations to urgently send an international fact-finding mission to Iranian prisons to meet with the detainees.


Number of uprising cities: 191

Number of martyrs: At least 1500

Number of injured: More than 4,000

Number of detainees: More than 12,000

Read moreLatest News in Brief- August 19, 2020