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HomeIran News NowLatest News in Brief-Live UpdatesLatest News in Brief – August 2, 2020

Latest News in Brief – August 2, 2020

Latest News in Brief – August 2, 2020
Iran, Isfahan – Isfahan University of Medical Sciences: The situation is not good at all. Among hospitalized patients, 151 are in critical condition.



August 2

Asaluyeh, southern Iran Workers of the Phase 14 (South Pars natural gas project) have joined the strikes launched by their colleagues in the oil, natural gas and petrochemical industry

August 2 – Shush, southwest Iran Workers of the Haft Tappeh Sugarcane Company continuing their strike for the 49th day, protesting delayed paychecks & demanding answers to outstanding issues raised with company officials



World Community Must Support Iran People’s Desire for Regime Change – Amb Robert Joseph at Free Iran Global Summit

World Community Must Support Iran People’s Desire for Regime Change - Amb Robert Joseph at Free Iran Global Summit
Amb Robert Joseph at the Free Iran Global Summit Conference – July 2020

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) “Resistance Units” have a key role in spreading message of hope and resistance throughout Iran by their ongoing activities. The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) held its “Free Iran Global Summit” for three days in July to urge the international community to support the Iranian people’s desire for regime change and recognize their right for resistance and overthrow of the Iranian regime. This event connected over 30,000 locations across the globe and was attended by over 1000 personalities and renowned politicians of all political tendencies 

One of these personalities was Ambassador Robert Joseph, former Undersecretary for Arms Control & International Security of the U.S. Department of State.

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Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 347 Cities Exceeds 80,700

Over 80,700 dead of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Iran-Iran Coronavirus Death Toll per PMOI MEK sources
  • While more than 90% of the country’s population live in 26 provinces, declared in a state of red or alert by the Health Ministry, Rouhani shamelessly claimed that ten provinces had passed the peak of the virus.
  • Tehran Governor: On average, 700 identified patients are hospitalized daily in the Province
  • Shiraz University of Medical Sciences: During the past 24 hours, 19 more people in Fars Province lost their lives due to Coronavirus.
  • Isfahan University of Medical Sciences: The situation is not good at all. Among hospitalized patients, 151 are in critical condition.
  • Alborz University of Medical Sciences: The number of patients admitted to medical centers in the Province has increased significantly compared to the first outbreak
  • Etemad daily: There are more than 100 daily fatalities brought to Behesht-e-Zahra Cemetery alone. If we consider the whole Tehran Province, the toll will probably be close to 150, and this is not consistent with the official Health Ministry figure for the entire country. i.e., 200 daily, so the nationwide figure must be much higher.

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Abysmal conditions of inmates in Qarchak Prison for women


The notorious Qarchak Prison in Varamin is the only all-women prison in Iran used for detention of women convicted of violent offences and as an internal exile for female political prisoners. There is no separation of crimes in this prison and political prisoners are held along with common prisoners and dangerous criminals. In one word, the conditions of inmates in Qarchak Prison are abysmal.

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Iran: Oil Workers Stage Strike in Abadan, Mahshahr, Qeshm, Parsian, Lamerd and South Pars Refineries in Protest Against Harsh Working Conditions, the Lack of Minimum Safety Provisions, the Non-Payment of Wages and Bonuses


Mrs. Rajavi hailed the oppressed workers, called on everyone to support them in obtaining their rights
Saturday, August 1, 2020, workers and employees of Abadan and Mahshahr refineries, Qeshm Heavy Oil Refinery, as well as workers and employees of Parsian Refinery, Petrochemical Company in Lamerd (Fars Province), and phases 22 and 24 of South Pars in Kangan (Bushehr Province) staged a strike in protest against harsh working conditions, the lack of the minimum safety provisions, and the non-payment of their wages and bonuses.

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Reports of new protests in Iran

Substitute teachers rallying in Isfahan for their rights

A number of substitute teachers in the city of Isfahan, central Iran, rallied on Friday, July 31, protesting local officials’ refusal to hire them based on permanent contracts. This gathering was held outside the office of the Majlis (parliament) representative.

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Sunday, August 2, 2020, marks the 260th day since the beginning of the nationwide Iran protests.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) has identified 755 of the more than 1500 protesters killed by the regime so far.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has called on the United Nations to urgently send an international fact-finding mission to Iranian prisons to meet with the detainees.


Number of uprising cities: 191

Number of martyrs: At least 1500

Number of injured: More than 4,000

Number of detainees: More than 12,000

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