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Execution of Two Kurdish Political Prisoners in Urmia and Confirmation of the Death Sentence of Three Arrested Protesters by the Supreme Court of the Mullahs

Execution of Two Kurdish Political Prisoners in Urmia and Confirmation of the Death Sentence of Three Arrested Protesters by the Supreme Court of the Mullahs
Iranian regime has executed two Kurdish prisoners, Diako Rasoulzadeh and Saber Sheikh Abdollah, in the central prison of Urmia.


In fear of an eruption of widespread anger, the religious fascism continuously sheds blood to forestall its inevitable downfall 

  • Maryam Rajavi strongly condemned the inhuman executions of Kurdish prisoners and called on the international community to take effective action against the daily killings of Khamenei and his executioners in Iran. She stressed the need for an international delegation to visit Urmia’s Prison to investigate the case of the two Kurdish political prisoners. They were brutally executed in Urmia Prison in front of the families of regime mercenaries, today. The regime aims to intimidate the public against participating in the uprising, also to use the mercenaries’ families for repression and espionage.

The Iranian regime, immersed in a dire crisis, executed two Kurdish political prisoners, Diako Rasoulzadeh and Saber Sheikh Abdullah, in Urmia Prison in the early hours of this morning, Tuesday, July 14, 2020.

They were executed on the bogus charge of “Moharebeh” (waging war on God). The two prisoners were arrested in 2014 and sentenced to death in the Mahabad so-called Revolutionary Court after a year of torture in the city’s Intelligence Office. The mullahs’ Supreme Court subsequently upheld this criminal verdict.

At the same time, the spokesman for the regime’s judiciary, after weeks of controversy, announced today that the Supreme Court had confirmed the death sentences of three detainees of the November uprising. Political prisoners Amir Hossein Moradi, 26, Saeed Tamjidi, 28, and Mohammad Rajabi, 26, were sentenced to death for participating in the November uprising after a long period of torture and forced confession. A spokesman for the regime’s judiciary also announced the execution of Reza Askari, a retired Ministry of Defense employee.

Last week, on July 8, the religious dictatorship executed a prisoner on the preposterous ‘crime’ of drinking alcohol. On the same day, two prisoners were executed in Gorgan Prison. One in Shiraz Central Prison on July 17, and five others in Gohardasht Prison on July 11.

The crisis-ridden clerical regime, fearing a popular uprising, is desperately trying to prevent the eruption of another uprising by creating an atmosphere of terror, through executing and issuing long-term sentences.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), called on the United Nations Security Council, the UN Secretary-General, the High Commissioner on Human Rights, and the UN Human Rights Council, as well as other relevant bodies to take effective action against the religious fascism ruling in Iran for continuing to torture, execute, and arbitrary arrests.

Mrs. Rajavi strongly condemned the inhuman executions of Kurdish prisoners. She called on the international community to take effective action against the daily killings of Khamenei and his executioners in Iran. She stressed the need for an international delegation to visit Urmia’s Prison to investigate the case of the two Kurdish political prisoners. They were brutally executed in Urmia Prison in front of the families of regime mercenaries today. The regime aims to intimidate the public against participating in the uprising and to also use the mercenaries’ families for repression and espionage. She reiterated that the ruling religious fascism in fear of an eruption of widespread anger continuously sheds blood to forestall its inevitable downfall.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

July 14, 2020
