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Iran Regime Executes Man for Consumption of Alcohol: Sign of Mullahs’ Cruelty and Deadlock

Execution by Iran Regime in public – file photo

The Iranian regime executed a man in Iran for consumption of alcohol. This execution shows both the regime’s brutality and viciousness, and its fear of the restive society. This execution was a criminal act aimed at spreading fear among the people of Iran.   

The victim, identified as Morteza Jamali, was the father of two small children. This execution is against all the teachings of Islam and could only be justified by the mullahs’ regime reactionary and medieval interpretation of Islam, which mirrors that of the Islamic State’s terrorist organization. In fact, the clerical regime in Iran is the godfather of ISIS and its atrocities against the Iranian people like amputating arms and legs, gouging eyes, and stoning are just few examples of the punishments that this savage regime practices against the Iranian people.  

This execution was widely condemned by human rights groups and people across the world. Amnesty International said in a statement: “The Iranian authorities have once again laid bare the sheer cruelty and inhumanity of their judicial system by executing a man simply for drinking alcohol. The victim was the latest person to be executed in Valkalibad prison, the site of numerous secret mass executions and a grotesque theatre of Iran’s contempt for human life. 

Along with the regime’s 40 years of oppression and export of terrorism, which have brought nothing but poverty for the Iranian people, the Iranian society has been grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 crisis has so far claimed the lives of nearly 70,000 people across Iran due to the Iranian regime’s cover-up and inaction. The COVID-19 crisis, multiplied with years of oppression and poverty, has turned the Iranian society into a powder keg. The regime fears a new series of uprisings such as the 2019 nationwide Iran protests.  


In this regard, Hossein Salami, head of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), which is the regime’s main oppressive force, said: “With the novel coronavirus peaking once again, in various parts of the country we have once again concluded that the sensitivity level regarding this phenomenon must be increased. 

In addition, the regime’s Health Minister Saeid Namaki on Wednesday said: According to security reports, the fact that people resort to protests due to poverty and not being able to make ends meet is a serious matter. The President and the security forces must think about the economy and preventing protests.”  

Suppression and creating atmosphere of intimidation and terror is the only preventive measures that regime is capable of carrying out. The execution of an innocent man on Wednesday was the regime’s preventive measure to create atmosphere of fear and terror in the society. The execution was done in the city of Mashhad, where the 2018 nationwide Iran protests began.  

The Iranian regime intends to use the coronavirus as a lever of oppression. Like its unpatriotic policy of sending millions of Iranians to death and on minefields during the Iran-Iraq war, the regime’s deliberate mismanagement of the COVID-19 crisis is meant to control the restive Iranian society.   

Yet, like all other dictatorships in their last days, the regime has underestimated the power of the Iranian people and the organized Resistance movement.  

The nationwide Iran protests in November shook the regime’s foundations. The unprecedented boycott of the regime’s sham parliamentary elections indicates the people’s conflict with this regime has reached an irreversible point. The restive Iranian society needs only a spark to explode.  

In this regard, while referring to the economic hardships, the state-run Jamaran website wrote: “For this reason, a huge part of the November 2019 protesters [the nationwide Iran protests sparked by the sudden increase in fuel prices] are the unemployed children of workers. This year, what choice does a government with zero oil revenue and a 50% budget deficit have other than printing banknotes? And this means a higher inflation rate and workers’ food basket shrinking, making the next protesting force more explosive. Will anyone listen? Is there a will to bring the country out of this bone-breaking deadlock?” 

Another regime official told the state-run Resalat daily on March 7: “I am worried about the social and security outcome of this crisis. Soon, rebellions, much larger than the ones in 2018 and 2019 and certainly much larger than the ones in the 1990s, will happen.”