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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: The Laborers' Protests Surge in July

Iran: The Laborers’ Protests Surge in July

Iran: The Laborers' Protests Surge in July
Iran, Shush: Haft Tappeh Sugarcane Co. Workers continue their strike and protests

In response to the inhuman policies of the ruling theocracy in Iran, including the plunder of the nation’s wealth, the workers and laborers protests across the country continued in July.

  1. The Haft-Tappeh Sugarcane workers strike entered its 28th day on Sunday, July 12, 2020. On Friday, July 10, the workers rallied in front of the Shush governor’s office, stressing on the unity and the continuation of their protest until their demands are met.
  1. On Thursday, July 9, the medical staff of the laboratory at Al-Zahra Hospital in Rasht gathered to protest seven months of unpaid salaries.
  1. On Friday, July 10, for the second consecutive day, Hoveyzeh farmers gathered to protest the blocking of the irrigation water. For a month now, Hoveyzeh’s farmlands have dried up and turned into deserts due to lack of water.
  1. On Wednesday, July 8, many flood-stricken farmers in Sistan and Baluchestan, who had suffered severe losses during December 2019 flood, gathered in the Provincial Capital, Zahedan, to protest the non-reimbursement of the damage compensation to the farmers.
  1. On Thursday, July 9, a group of Mehriz municipal workers gathered in front of the municipality to protest the non-payment of their two-month unpaid salary.
  1. On Wednesday, July 8, workers at the Fasa Sugar Factory protested at the factory against non-payment of their salaries for the past six months.
  1. For the second day in a row, Tehran’s pickup truck drivers held a rally on Wednesday, July 8, in front of the “Urban Light Cargo Union” protesting the non-payment of their due Coronavirus compensation.
  2. On Friday, July 10, a group of people gathered in Darab, to protest the terrible economic situation. They chanted, “Rouhani you don’t care, resign, resign.”
  1. On Tuesday, July 7, a group of Saravan Municipality workers gathered in front of the municipality to protest the non-payment of their salaries.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

July 12, 2020
