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IRGC Spokesman Threatens Iran Regime’s Parliament Deputy Speaker


NCRI – As the factional feuding among Iran regime factions escalates, three days after the deputy speaker of the regime’s parliament, Ali Motahari, criticized IRGC hardliners regarding the missile program, IRGC spokesman attacked him and said people like Motahari should know they would be humiliated in front of the Iranian people.

The IRGC spokesman, Ramazan Sharif, on Monday, January 16, without naming Ali Motaheri said: “A representative of the Islamic Republic’s parliament has used ill-conceived and reckless words regarding the missile maneuvers. Such people should realize they will be humiliated in front of Iranian people.”

In his statements, the IRGC spokesman called Motahari “weak spirit pro-western elements” who don’t have any “correct understanding” of the security atmosphere of the country and deliberately or unconsciously “echo the enemies’ voice.”
The IRGC Telegram Channel wrote that the statement of Ramazan Sharif was a response to Ali Motahari.

On Friday, state-run Asr-e Iran (Iran’s afternoon) published an interview with Motahari in which the parliament’s deputy speaker criticized the hardliners of rival faction.

Motahari had said: “Extremism is always bad. Since the beginning of the revolution to this day, whenever we went too far, we hit the revolution.

“Prolonging the takeover of U.S. embassy in Tehran, (committing) serial murders and at the same time closing several newspapers and preventing critical comments, issuing heavy judicial sentences for political critics, provoking the enemy to impose economic sanctions, trying to prevent implementation of JCPOA through firing and testing missiles, and creating human rights excuses for the enemy, and calling any critic or protestor a seditionist, all of these have hit our revolution,” he added.

Deputy speaker of the regime’s parliament had also said: “These are not revolutionary steps, but the actions of the clay-brained out of vain-desires and ambitions to take power by any means possible.

Since the beginning of JCPOA implementation, the IRGC has conducted several missile tests in violation of JCPOA provisions and the UNSC Resolution 2231. The U.N. Security Council has warned Iranian regime against conducting any ballistic missile tests capable of carrying nuclear warhead.