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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceOnline Conference Over Coronavirus in Iran: Regime’s Cover-Up and Role of MEK

Online Conference Over Coronavirus in Iran: Regime’s Cover-Up and Role of MEK

NCRI’s online conference over coronavirus in Iran, April 23, 2020
NCRI’s online conference over coronavirus in Iran, April 23, 2020

A virtual Conference was held on Thursday over the coronavirus outbreak in Iran, revealing the Iranian regime’s cover-up and inaction and the current situation in Iran. This event was attended by various Italian Members of Parliament, dignitaries, and members of the Iranian community in Italy as well as Iranian physicians and medical staff. The conference was titled: “Revealing Iranian regime’s cover-ups amid the coronavirus Crisis, the ticking clock of uprising and regime change in Iran.”    

During this conference participants praised the role played by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq, or MEK) Resistance Units in helping the coronavirus victims in Iran and giving the true figure of the coronavirus death toll in Iran.   

This conference was moderated by Samira Ardalani, a member of the Iranian community in Italy and a medical student. 

The first speaker of this online conference was Mr. Abolghassem Rezaei, NCRI’s representative in Italy. Mr. Rezaei said: “The mullah’s regime in Iran has not paid any attention to the needs of the people during the coronavirus pandemic and instead has intensified its suppression by executing the prisoners.”  Mr. Giulio Terzi, former Italian Foreign Minister was another speaker of the conference. He said: “Since the end of the Second World War, there has been no regime worse than the Iranian regime. The regime in Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism, which for the past 40 years, has pursued terrorist acts every day.”   

While honoring the memory of Dr. Kazem Rajavi, member of the NCRI, who was assassinated by the mullahs’ regime terror squads in Geneva, Mr. Terzi said: “The Iranian Resistance remembers Dr. Kazem Rajavi who was killed by the Iranian regime for his activities for Human Rights.”

Senator Roberto Rampi also attended the virtual conference on Thursday. While referring to the deplorable conditions in Iran due to the coronavirus outbreak and regime’s cover-up Senator Rampi said: “We know the dramatic condition in Iran. The situation in Iran is more serious than in other places. We want to show our empathy for Iranians.” 

Ms. Stefania Pezzopane, Member of Parliament from Italy also attended this conference and expressed her solidarity with the Iranian people and their resistance and condemned the regime’s cover-up. While referring to the regime’s terrorist adventures in the region and wasting Iranian people’s national wealth on exporting terrorism Ms. Pezzopane said: “The Iranian regime is only funding terrorism. With the corruption in this regime, the coronavirus will last very long in Iran. What is going to happen to people’s financial situation.”

Senator Manuel Vescovi was the next speaker of this event. He said: “We know it’s very difficult in Iran We hope that soon people of Iran can overthrow the regime and have a government that protects the people.” 

“The real virus we must confront in Iran is the totalitarian regime. This is the regime provoking more death and poverty than any other virus. They are executing prisoners. The Death Penalty is dramatically wrong especially currently, amid the coronavirus outbreak in Iran,” said Elisabetta Zamparutti, a former Italian MP and an official of the international “Hands off Cain” association.

Carlo Ciccioli, former MP from Italy, also asserted that during the Iran protests in November, the regime arrested over 12,000 protesters. When the world was silent about the atrocities taking place in Iran, it was only Iranian Resistance that broke the silence.   

“We must know the news about what’s happening in Iran. Even before the coronavirus outbreak in Italy, the virus had arrived in Iran. More than 33,000 have died but there is no transparency. Figures are given by the regime about the coronavirus are probably less than one-fifth of reality,” he added. 

According to the MEK so far 34,200 people have lost their lives due to the coronavirus epidemic in Iran and the regime’s cover-up and inaction.   

Dr. Nariman Ardalani and Iranian epidemiologist in Italy was the next speaker of the virtual conference held by the NCRI. He said: “We are confronting a natural catastrophe. During a natural catastrophe, governments’ approaches are most important. We must examine the figures to understand what must be done. We Should compare the medical system of France and Italy compared with the one in Iran under the mullahs’ regime. The number of beds in Germany per 1 million population is 6060 while in Iran the number is 1010.”

Antonio Stango, a renowned Italian politician was also among the speakers of this event. While slamming western media for not covering the reality in Iran, he said: “Media is not saying anything about what really is happening in Iran. Thanks to the NCRI and all people who courageously fighting for their freedom and have provided information about the situation in Iran.”   

“What the regime did, in fact, increased the coronavirus spread and death toll.  It is not possible to even predict correctly what is to come of s with the regime’s cover-up. We call on the international organizations to demand true figures from the Iranian regime,” he added.   

Dr. Madjid Bazeli, a vascular specialist from Italy was the last speaker of this event. He said, “We have warned, the board of Iranian physicians, that the coronavirus pandemic will keep growing in Iran. The Iranian regime declines to perform daily monitoring and examinations. All periods of the COVID-19 epidemic in Iran must be taken with caution. Yet the regime alone delayed announcing the existence of the virus for 40 to 50 days in Iran.”