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Iran: Second Series of Documents About Iranian Regime’s Cover-Up

The National Council of Resistance of Iran – Committee on Security and Counterterrorism
The National Council of Resistance of Iran – Committee on Security and Counterterrorism

(Second Series of Documents)


Contrary to the lies of regime Supreme Leader and president, National Emergency Organization documents show several Iranian employees who worked at the Chinese embassy in Tehran had Coronavirus.   And at least one had returned from China

Regime’s Interior Minister, February 1: “We have no case of Coronavirus in Iran right now.”
Khamenei, March 2,” Our officials have been transparent and honest since day one.”
Rouhani, March 18, “We learned about the first case of Coronavirus in Iran on February 19 and informed the public immediately. We did not delay for a day.”

The documents obtained by the Peoples Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK) clearly show that several Coronavirus patients in Tehran had been hospitalized since early late January 2020.
Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli, regime’s Interior Minister, had vehemently denied any Coronavirus infection on February 1, 2020, saying, “Last night we held a meeting with the Minister of Health at the request of Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri to discuss the Coronavirus. The Health Minister briefed us in detail, saying that we don’t have any Corona infection in Iran.” It was clear that the purpose of the meeting was to control the information and cover up the virus outbreak in Iran.
Two days after the NCRI’s Security and Counterterrorism Committee’s revelation on March 28, 2020, disclosing the first series of undeniable documents, Hassan Rouhani, in a starting retreat said: “The disease may have been introduced as early as the third week of January 2020 in Iran, but we found out about it in the third week of February. It took us a while to know. All over the world was like this! It took some time to realize they were facing the disease. ”
Fearful of the disclosure of the truth and public backlash, the regime has assigned the IRGC’s cyber army and Quds Force mercenaries as well as Intelligence Ministry agents at home and abroad to try to discredit and deny the documents and information revealed by the Iranian Resistance, in a bid to minimize its impact. It is common knowledge, however that of the month-long criminal cover-up has been the main reason for the rapid outbreak of the Coronavirus in Iran. The regime’s leaders must be brought to justice for this significant crime against humanity.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran
Committee on Security and Counterterrorism
March 31, 2020 

Below please find the translation and the actual documents.

These three new documents are Mission Reports issued by the National Emergency Organization – Province of Tehran, Emergency services.
They are called “Forms for Emergency Protection Report 115.” They carry the emblem of the Ministry of Health, Medical Care and Training – Center for the Management of Medical Incidents and Emergencies of the Country.

Doc-1 Document-number-1

Document Number 1: National Emergency Organization. Date of Mission: 8th of Bahman 1398 (January 28, 2020) File serial number: 7131572 Ambulance Code number: 2423
Patient’s First and Last names: Fatima Babazadeh Khameneh Nationality: Iranian Gender: Female Age: 37 Date: January 28, 2020. Address: Aghdasiyeh, Movahed Danesh Street, North Golestan Street, Laleh Alley, House number 15, Unit 401

“First responder: The lady is 37 years old, with signs of coughing, cold. She says she works at the Chinese Embassy (in Tehran), and her colleagues have had symptoms of Coronavirus. She is hospitalized. Vital signs checked. Neurology testing is normal. Initial action was taken, and she was transferred to the medical center.”

Arriving at the care center: 18:34:56 pm Handing over to the care center: 19:18:01 pm Code for senior technician: 120212 Code for technician no. 1: 150081

Location: Administrative (Office) Vital Signs – checked Consultation – Given Diagnosis – done Blood Sample – Done Oxygen – Given

Name of Medical Center: Masih Daneshvar

Doc-2 Document-number-2

Document Number 2: National Emergency Organization. Date of Mission: 8th of Bahman 1398 (January 28, 2020) File serial number: 7131572/03
Ambulance Code number: 2423 Patient’s First and Last names: Ehsan Sheikhi Nationality: Iranian Gender: Male Age: 33 Date: January 28, 2020. Address: Aghdasiyeh, Movahed Danesh Street, North Golestan Street, Laleh Alley, House number 15, Unit 401

“First responder: He is 33 years old, with coughing, and symptoms of cold. He says he works at the Chinese Embassy (in Tehran), and his colleagues have had symptoms of Coronavirus. He is hospitalized. Vital signs checked. Neurology testing is normal. Initial action was taken, and he was transferred to the medical center.”

Arriving at the care center: 18:34:56 pm Handing over to the care center: 19:18:01 pm Code for senior technician: 120212 Code for technician no. 1: 150081

Location: Administrative (Office) VS – checked Consultation – Given Diagnosis – done Blood Sample – Done Oxygen – Given

Name of Medical Center: Masih Daneshvar

Doc-3 Document-number-3

Document Number 3: National Emergency Organization. Date of Mission: 8th of Bahman 1398 (January 28, 2020) File serial number: 7131572/02 Ambulance Code number: 2423 Patient’s First and Last names: Mohammad Ali Zolqadrnia Nationality: Iranian Gender: Male Age: 33 Date: January 28, 2020. Address: Aghdasiyeh, Movahed Danesh Street, North Golestan Street, Laleh Alley, House number 15, Unit 401

“First responder: He is 33 years old, with sever coughing, symptoms of cold. He says he was in China for the past 12 days, and in the first three days after arriving in Tehran, he had high fever, diarrhea, and sever coughing. He says he works at the Chinese Embassy (in Tehran), and his colleagues have had symptoms of Coronavirus. He is hospitalized. Vital signs checked. Neurology testing is normal. Initial action was taken, and he was transferred to the medical center.”

Arriving at the care center: 18:34:56 pm Handing over to the care center: 19:18:01 pm Code for senior technician: 120212 Code for technician no. 1: 150081

Location: Administrative (Office) VS – checked Consultation – Given Diagnosis – done Blood Sample – Done Oxygen – Given

Name of Medical Center: Masih Daneshvar