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UN Agency Warns Iran Regime on Nuclear Deal


The head of the United Nations agency that oversees the Iranian nuclear deal warned Tehran on Thursday to stick to the accord after it was found for the second time to have breached one of its terms, The Wall Street Journal reported.

The International Atomic Energy Agency said last week that Iran’s regime had stockpiled slightly more than the allowable 130 metric tons of heavy water. Spent fuel can be taken from the heavy water to produce plutonium for a nuclear weapon.

Yukiya Amano, head of the IAEA, told the agency’s board that it was the second time the Iranian regime’s inventory had exceeded 130 metric tons. He confirmed that Tehran had pledged to transfer excess heavy water out of the country under the agency’s supervision.

“It is important that such situations should be avoided in future in order to maintain international confidence in the implementation of the JCPOA, which represents a clear gain for nuclear verification in Iran,” Mr. Amano said, referring to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the nuclear accord’s formal name.

On Thursday at the agency’s Board meeting, U.S. ambassador to the IAEA Laura Holgate said “Iran must strictly adhere to all commitments” and urged Tehran to take steps to ensure its stockpile of heavy water was “well beneath” 130 metric tons.

“We urge Iran to complete without delay its plan to resolve this issue,” she said.