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Iran: As the Coronavirus Death Toll Exceeds 2,600, Regime Takes No Action but Blames Bioterrorism

Coronanvirus outbreak - A hospital in Iran
Coronanvirus outbreak – A hospital in Iran

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK) announced on Monday, that over 2,600 people have lost their lives in Iran because of the coronavirus outbreak.

Yet the Iranian regime’s officials instead of taking necessary actions in helping people, after days of downplaying the crisis, are now speaking of bioterrorism.

Heshmatollah  Falahat-Pisheh, a former member of the regime’s parliament, in an interview with the state-run ISNA news agency said: “The coronavirus is not a common cause of infection. It is indeed the result of bioterrorism and is spreading in Iran and China.”  Instead of referring to the regime’s inaction and stockpiling masks and necessary preventive kits rather than distributing them among people, Felahat-Pisheh accused United States officials of lying of being ready to send aid to Iran. 

In a similar development, Hossain Salami, head of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), told ISNA that the coronavirus outbreak in Iran “might be the result of the US biologic attack.”  

This is while reports from inside Iran indicate that the IRGC is stockpiling masks and disinfectants and later selling them on the black market with much higher price. In this regard, Ali Nowbakht, chairman of the Parliament’s Health Commission, implicitly referred to the IRGC’s destructive role: “Non-medical matters are undermining the Ministry of Health’s plans to prevent and control the Coronavirus. I consider the virus more than just a medical issue. As an economic, political, social, cultural, security and judicial issue …it has not been taken seriously.” 

Mahmud Ahmadinejad, the regime’s former presidentsent a letter to Mr. Antonio Guterres, the United Nations Secretary General, foolishly claiming that the coronavirus had been produced in labIt is clear to the world that the mutated coronavirus was produced in lab, manufactured by the warfare stock houses of biological war belonging to world powers, and that it constitutes a threat on humanity more destructive than the other weapons that target humanity,” he wrote on twitter.  

These bogus claims once again confirm that the Iranian regime is not willing to help the Iranian people and combat the coronavirus. The regime’s first reaction to the coronavirus outbreak in Iran was downplaying the dimensions of the crisis and covering it up. This was after days of denying the existence of this virus in Iran, particularly in the city of Qom, in order to have a larger turnout in its sham parliamentary election, which was met with a general boycott. 

Now the regime’s officials are admitting to some parts of the coronavirus outbreak in Iran. Homayoun Yousefi, a lawmaker and member of the “National Committee for Coronavirus,” said today that “the disease will reach its peak in the next two weeks” and the number of those hospitalized will increase by 10-15% daily. 

Dozens of dedicated physicians and nurses have contracted the virus while treating patients and lost their lives. This is while the state in the country’s hospitals is continuously deteriorating due to a lack of facilities. 

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), hailed those honorable and committed physicians and nurses and extended her condolences to their families and the Iranian medical community. Mrs. Rajavi said that these dedicated men and women are the source of honor and pride for a nation that has refused to surrender to the mullahs’ inhuman regime in the past 40 years and has insisted on its national pride and human values while challenging the religious dictatorship ruling Iran.