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HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsYoung Prisoner Commits suicide due to Unjust Sentence and Disastrous Prison Conditions

Young Prisoner Commits suicide due to Unjust Sentence and Disastrous Prison Conditions


NCRI – A young prisoner in Ilam prison has committed suicide due to his unjust sentence and the catastrophic prison situation.

Shahryar Tarhani, 27, from Koohdasht, Lorestan province, who had been held in Ilam prison for four years for carrying illegal weapons, committed suicide by taking rice tablets. Prison officials’ inaction and delay in sending him to hospital led to his death.

In his will left among his belongings, Shahryar Tarhani has said that the reason for his suicide has been his unjust sentence and the disastrous prison conditions. According to his friends, Tarhani had repeatedly demanded that his case be dealt with and a lawyer be hired for him, but the Ilam’s executioner prosecutor rejected his requests. Tarhani had also attempted suicide in the past to protest against prison conditions, but his wardmates had noticed early and saved him.

Tarhani’s funeral was carried out one day later among a crowd of people in Koohdasht.

Critical sanitary situation in Kermanshah Dizel Abad Prison

According to reports, it’s now one week that the water has been cut off in the Youth Ward of Kermanshah Dizel Abad Prison, being turned on only after 12 midnight and only for a few hours. Considering the crowding of prisoners, the need for water for sanitation, nutrition and bathing is among the basic necessities in prison. Prisoners have held protest rallies several times but so far, the protests have been fruitless.

According to the executioner head of Dizel Abad Prison, the replacement of the plumbing system is the reason the water has been cut off, whereas due to the elongated plumbing project and the negligence of the officials concerned, the sanitary situation in the ward is close to a real catastrophe.

In this regard, the concerns of families are also noteworthy.  The families say that in terms of sanitation, the prison environment by itself is a filthy, inappropriate, too old, and unhealthy place, let alone its water be cut off with more than 500 prisoners. According to families, living in such deplorable conditions is definitely unacceptable in terms of basic human rights.