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HomeIran News NowIran Economy NewsIRAN: Former MP warns the regime will collapse

IRAN: Former MP warns the regime will collapse


A former Member of Parliament in Iran has warned that the regime will ‘collapse’ if the corruption which is not stopped at the highest levels of the regime.

Ahmad Tavakkoli has said: “if we don’t fight corruption, the system will ‘collapse’. Corrupt people have made their way to the decision-making centers and corruption is like a ‘termite’ causing disorder at all levels of the system.”

Tavakkoli added: “corruption destroys everything; it destroys production, it delays and rises the cost of investment, it decreases employment and increases unemployment, it intensifies class differences, it changes social ethics and behavior, it hurts social norms and like a termite, it causes disorder at all levels of the system.”

This former member of parliament stated that the Iranian regime is currently at a systematic corruption stage’ and explained: “the systematic corruption occurs when the white blood cells are in trouble as a result of which the whole body will get into trouble with the least amount of pressure. When the bodies responsible for protecting the security of a system have themselves been to a certain degree plagued by corruption that would be the starting point for a systematic corruption.”

“In this type of corruption, the corrupt officials make their way to the decision-making bodies as a result of which the decisions made and the methods adopted will systematically lead to unequal distribution of income, which widens the gap and directs the resources toward the corrupt people and that’s something we are plagued with right now.”, said Tavakkoli.

The former MP stated that people’s ‘low-trust and distrust’ of official bodies, as well as their ‘perplexity and confusion’ are some of the other complications developed by corruption.