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NCRI and MEK Supporters Organize Worldwide Protests in Solidarity With Iran Protests and Iraq Protests

NCRI and MEK Supporters Organize Worldwide Protests in Solidarity With Iran Protests and Iraq Protests

NCRI and MEK Supporters rally in different countries in solidarity with Iran protests

Written by Mahmoud Hakamian on 27 January 2020.

Iranians, supporters of Iran’s main opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK), and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) gathered in recent days in various capitals across the world, expressing their solidarity with the nationwide Iran protests.

The MEK and NCRI supporters staged protests gatherings in Canada, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, and Austria, chanting slogans in support of the Iranian people’s uprising and echoing their desire for regime change.


In Amsterdam, the MEK and NCRI supporters chanted slogans such as “We will not back down, instead of fight on for our freedom.” They also paid tribute to over 1500 martyrs of the Iran protests and 120,000 brave souls fallen for freedom within the last four decades, by installing a huge banner with the pictures of many martyrs. They also held a banner exposing the regime’s so-called “moderate” President Hassan Rouhani’s crimes during his tenure from 2013 until now. The banner read, “During Rouhani’s tenure, there have been at least 4,000 executions… and at least 7500 grave dwellers.”


In Sweden, the MEK and NCRI supporters held signs and chanted slogans in solidarity with the arisen people of Iran. Iranian Canadians, supporters of the NCRI and MEK, were out in the snow calling for the mullahs to be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity and demanded the immediate release of all detained protesters. They held different signs with calls on the international community, particularly Canada, including those which read, “Blacklist Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and Ministry of Intelligence,” and, “Free Political Prisoners in Iran.”


The Iranians and the MEK and NCRI supporters also voiced their support for the Iraqi people’s uprising against the Iranian regime’s deadly meddling in their country. For example, Iranians and the NCRI and MEK supporters chanted slogans in Persian and Arabic in solidarity with both the Iran protests and the Iraqi people’s uprising. They also called for regime change in Iran.


Iranians along with members of the Iraqi diaspora in Austria held a protest condemning the Iranian regime’s deadly presence in Iraq and its continued violation of human rights in Iran.

Since the beginning of the nationwide Iran protests in November, the exiled Iranians, especially the MEK and NCRI supporters, have held various protests gatherings around the world echoing the voice of the Iranian people and their demand for regime change. They will continue doing so.