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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismSaudi Arabia, Kuwait file complaint at UN over Iranian regime's maritime assaults

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait file complaint at UN over Iranian regime’s maritime assaults


NCRI – Saudi Arabia and Kuwait presented a complaint to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday regarding repeated transgressions and assaults committed by the Iranian regime’s military boats over the waters of the submerged area adjacent to the split area divided between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

The Permanent Missions of Saudi Arabia and the State of Kuwait to the UN, in their complaint, informed Secretary Ban of the Iranian regime’s assaults over the waters of the Divided Submerged Area, upon which Saudi Arabia and Kuwait solely have exclusive sovereign rights to explore and benefit from its natural wealth, the Kuwaiti state news agency KUNA reported on Wednesday.

According to the document, the last incident of these infringements was committed by one vessel and two armed speedboats displaying the Iranian regime’s flag. Each boat had three armed individuals onboard, as this infringement took place at 13:35 on Wednesday, April 20, 2016, while another infringement of an Iranian Hendijan 1401 vessel took place at 07:32 on Thursday, April 21, 2016.

These two vessels and two boats approached the Al-Dorra well No. 3 (D3) in the Al-Dorra field (coordinations 63 58 28 North & 16 06 49 East) existing inside the Saudi-Kuwaiti submerged divided zone, which may lead to confrontations that threaten peace and security in this region, noted the joint document.

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait express “their deep demurral and dissatisfaction about these repeated assaults and transgressions; and demand from the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to stop these transgressions and assaults in order to preserve their interests,” it stressed.