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HomeBlog-News and Articles About IranMaryam Rajavi wins the hearts and minds of Iranians

Maryam Rajavi wins the hearts and minds of Iranians

By Elaheh Azimfar

In two days’ time, the world will witness the largest annual gathering of Iranian exiles in Le Bourget, Paris, with Maryam Rajavi as the keynote speaker.

Iranians of all walks of life as well as hundreds of politicians and personalities from five continents will converge in Le Bourget to declare their support for Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance and their struggle to overthrow the regime ruling Iran and establish freedom and democracy in their country. But who is Maryam Rajavi?

Maryam Rajavi, a devout Muslim woman, has led the opposition to Tehran’s fundamentalist regime for the past three decades. Maryam Rajavi espouses a tolerant and democratic interpretation of Islam and calls for unity of all democratic forces to confront terrorism and extremism emanating from the clerical regime in Iran, as the most dangerous threat of our time to global peace and security.

Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan offers a democratic alternative to the ongoing savagery of the ruling regime in Iran.

Maryam Rajavi calls for abolition of the death penalty, separation of the Mosque and State, and equal participation of women in political leadership. Maryam Rajavi also calls for a non-nuclear Iran that lives in peaceful coexistence with its neighbors.

Maryam Rajavi believes that women’s equality is essential to democratic progress in today’s world, in any country and in any organization. So, it was all the more essential to the struggle against the misogynous fundamentalist extremists ruling Iran.

One of the major achievements of Maryam Rajavi has been the involvement of the Resistance’s women in the most crucial positions of responsibility in the movement. The idea of women’s equal participation in political leadership, economic and management roles, has been realized in Maryam Rajavi’s movement. This is especially important because this phenomenon is not limited to a few talented and intelligent women, but embraces a generation of women with diverse backgrounds.

Maryam Rajavi’s achievement was made possible by rejection of all forms of discrimination against women in her movement and providing a just and equal opportunity for everyone, proving the fact that any human being can exercise her/his talents and intelligence once given an equal opportunity for education and occupation.

Maryam Rajavi is recognized for her strength, resolve and leadership qualities. Maryam Rajavi is admired for her tireless leadership and struggle against the ruthless mullahs of Iran. Maryam Rajavi has demonstrated amazing strength in the face of numerous difficulties facing her movement.

Maryam Rajavi’s motto is we can and we must. Maryam Rajavi believes that by being realistic, devoting enough energy and time to any task, human beings can decide their own fate and break through any impasse. That is how Maryam Rajavi has succeeded in leading her movement through a tortuous path over the years, towards imminent victory.

Iranians believe that with Maryam Rajavi pledging regime change in Iran, they would enjoy their inalienable, equal human rights in a free Iran.

Looking forward to a inspirational gathering this Saturday.

Elaheh Azimfar is a member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran and the NCRI’s representative for international organizations.