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HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsFemale political prisoner under severe duress in Iran

Female political prisoner under severe duress in Iran


NCRI – A female Iranian political prisoner who is in an extremely poor state of health in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison has been summoned to appear in the regime’s court later this month for a re-trial.

Ms. Sediqeh Moradi, 54, who is languishing in the women’s ward of Evin Prison, is suffering from sciatica and a torn meniscus and tendon of the leg, but is being denied proper medical treatment.

She also suffers from cervical spondylosis (arthritis of the neck) which causes her severe pains.

She also has eye sight problems due to severe blows she received to her head during interrogations by members of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security.

Although the family of this political prisoner have said they are prepared to pay any costs related her medical treatment, the interrogators will not allow it.

This is the third time that Ms. Sediqeh Moradi has been imprisoned for her beliefs. She had been arrested and imprisoned twice before in the 1980s.

The last time she was arrested was on May 1, 2009. She was kept in solitary confinement for seven months in ward 20 of the prison where she was subjected to physical and psychological torture. She was then transferred to Ward 209 of Evin.

She was sentenced to ten years imprisonment on the charge of ‘Moharebeh,’ or ‘waging war on God,’ for having relations with the opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) by the notorious executioner-judge Mohammad Moghiseh in Branch 28 of the regime’s Revolutionary Court in Tehran.