Wednesday, July 17, 2024
HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & Resistance"Concessions to Iran regime will never solve any problem" (Lithuanian MEP)

“Concessions to Iran regime will never solve any problem” (Lithuanian MEP)

NCRI – Aloyzas Sakalas, member of the European Parliament from Lithuania joined the largest ever gathering of Iranians outside their country near Paris on July 1, to express support to Maryam Rajavi’s proposed third option to Iran problem for democratic change. He was warmly welcomed to the event and his message to the large crowd is as follows:

I came here from Lithuania to support Iranian opposition.

You might be aware that since Ahmadinejad took office already some 300 people have either been hanged or condemned to death.  About thirty people have been executed only during the past two weeks.

A few days ago, we witnessed the strange first session of the new United Nations Human Rights Council in Vienna and who does the Iranian regime send to this meeting as an Iranian representative? This regime sent an executioner. So the mullahs not only have no respect for human rights, but they insult the world community.  Actions like that cannot and should not be tolerated any longer by any community and any institution including UN.

Ladies and gentlemen, the brave people of Iran have suffered much under the rule of the mullahs. Rape, torture, and public executions are all inseparable parts to everyday life of Iranians. 

But they have not given up. They have stood up and fought back organizing a resistance that truly crystallizes in the Mojahedin Organization and the National Council of Resistance of Iran. The resistance is headed by a brave lady as the President-elect, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi.

The Western countries put this main opposition movement, the Mojahedin, on the terrorist list. By this they have insulted the Iranian people and deprived them of the potential to use opportunities to bring democratic changes to this oppressed country.

Dear friends, I am sure that any concessions to the mullahs will never solve any problem. What the regime needs is a firm stand by the world community to make it understand that its actions are not acceptable and will not be tolerated.

Appeasement policy of Western countries has failed. But war is not a choice at all. The true and productive policy is to empower the Iranian people by recognizing their legitimate resistance movement. I support Madam Rajavi’s initiative for democratic change. But only well organized resistance can convert Iran from bloody dictatorship to a democratic state.

Thank you and long live the Iranian opposition.