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HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismChristie: Iran regime poses greater threat than ISIS

Christie: Iran regime poses greater threat than ISIS


Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican U.S. presidential candidate, says the regime in Tehran is a greater threat than ISIS.

“Iran is a greater threat than ISIS. If you’re prioritizing the threats, which a president has to do, then I think that Iran is a greater threat than ISIS.” Christie said in an interview published Friday with the Atlantic.

“I believe Iran is moving toward obtaining a nuclear weapon “I have no proof at this point that ISIS is moving toward obtaining weapons of mass destruction.”

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on November 19 U.S. cannot view regime in Iran and ISIS as separate challenges adding regional politics are too interwoven.

“Raising the confidence of our Arab partners and raising the costs to Iran for bad behaviour will contribute to a more effective fight against ISIS,” she said in a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations.

The former US Secretary of State said: “The United States should work Arab countries in the region to get them more invested in the fight against ISIS. At the moment, they’re focused in other areas because of their concerns in the region, especially the threat from Iran”.

Clinton said: “In September, I laid out a comprehensive plan to counter Iranian influence across the region and its support for terrorist proxies such as Hezbollah and Hamas. We cannot view Iran and ISIS as separate challenges.

Regional politics are too interwoven. Raising the confidence of our Arab partners and raising the costs to Iran for bad behaviour will contribute to a more effective fight against ISIS”.