Tuesday, July 16, 2024
HomeIran Human RightsStop executions in IranIran regime, ISIS, fundamentalists united in ideology – NCRI rep.

Iran regime, ISIS, fundamentalists united in ideology – NCRI rep.

NCRI – The terror group ISIS, the mullahs’ regime in Iran and other fundamentalist forces in the region are united in ideology against freedom and human rights, and it is high time that the international community stands together in support of the region’s democratic forces, a former Iranian ambassador and current representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) said in an interview with NCR-Iran.org.

Perviz Khazai, who represents the NCRI in Nordic countries, made the remarks following a meeting at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on September 18 in which the staggering rate of executions in Iran during Hassan Rouhani’s tenure as President was strongly condemned.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkeg70HdHyM width=”560″ height=”315″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>

Mr. Khazai said the theme of the conference, attended by dignitaries, ambassadors, diplomats and NGOs, was the situation in the Middle East and the solutions.

“Is Daesh (ISIS) something that just came about today? Is the idea of an Islamic State something new? No. It was Khomeini who established it. And it was Khomeini who pursued it with bloodshed for almost four decades,” Mr. Khazai said.

“Is the [Iranian] regime a part of the solution to the Middle East? The answer is No. The regime is a part of the problem, because it has an agenda that wants to establish a Soviet Union-style Islamic Republic Union. Fortunately it was defeated by the Iranian National Liberation Army (NLA) in 1988, simply because the Iranian people did not want for Khomeini to interfere in the affairs of other countries and expand fundamentalism and its dreadful interpretation of Islam.”

“Will the nuclear deal with the West be condusive to a betterment of the situation in Iran in terms of human rights? No. Is it going to be better for peace and security in the region? No. This regime is a part of the problem in the Middle East. They interfere in Syria, in Iraq, in Yemen, in Bahrain, in Kuwait; that is very obvious that this regime is enemy no. 1 of the Iranian people, of the people of the region as well as of humanity as a whole.”

“I really recommend the freedom-lovers of the world to unite against the threat of Islamic fundamentalism, and Daeshism and Khomeinism. They are united; we have to also unite,” he added.