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Appeasement of the Iranian regime has failed to achieve a more democratic Iran

Appeasement of the Iranian regime has failed to achieve a more democratic IranThe letter of support by Mr. Wm. Lacy Clay, Member of the United State Congress to Mrs. Rajavi on occasion of the largest Iranian Gathering in Paris for a democratic change in Iran.

I do not think war is a viable option for achieving regime change in Iran. The Iranian people do not want a foreign confrontation. Your commitment to providing a third option to support the Iranian people in their efforts to establish a more democratic government appears to be the best way to establish peace and security in the region and in the world.

Appeasement of the Iranian regime has failed to achieve a more democratic IranThe letter of support by Mr. Wm. Lacy Clay, Member of the United State Congress to Mrs. Rajavi on occasion of the largest Iranian Gathering in Paris for a democratic change in Iran.

Dear Mrs. Rajavi,

I was very pleased to learn of the appeals court decision to remove the restrictions that had been placed on you and other members of the Iranian Resistance community in France.

Clearly, the events that occurred on June 17, 2003 at the National Council of Resistance headquarters, your residence, and the homes of other members and supporters were improper and unwarranted. The policy of appeasement toward the Iranian regime by France and other EU members for the past 25 years contributed to this, and many other injustices that supporters of the Iranian Resistance have endured.

Appeasement of the Iranian regime has failed to achieve a more democratic Iran. Instead, appeasement has only emboldened the Mullahs in their pursuit of nuclear weapons, and encouraged their support of terrorism and the suppression of human rights.

I do not think war is a viable option for achieving regime change in Iran. The Iranian people do not want a foreign confrontation. Your commitment to providing a third option to support the Iranian people in their efforts to establish a more democratic government appears to be the best way to establish peace and security in the region and in the world.

I wish you and the Iranian Resistance movement every success in your struggle against the brutal Iranian regime.

Wm. Lacy Clay
Member of Congress
United States of America