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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsIAEA to be present as samples taken from Parchin military site -...

IAEA to be present as samples taken from Parchin military site – Reuters


United Nations inspectors will be present with Iranian technicians as they take samples from a key military site, two Western diplomats said, Reuters reported on Friday.

The diplomats were familiar with details of a confidential arrangement between the regime in Iran and the U.N. nuclear watchdog for inspections at the Parchin site, where some countries suspect nuclear weapons-related tests may have taken place, Reuters wrote.

An August report by the Associated Press, in its original version, said the agreement on Parchin suggested that IAEA inspectors would be barred from the site and would have to rely on information and environmental samples provided by Iranian technicians. The AP later published what it said was the text of an early draft of the agreement that remains unconfirmed.

The signed agreement between the regime in Iran and the IAEA has not been disclosed publicly.

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