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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsSenior Iraqi lawmaker: PMOI members must be treated based on international law

Senior Iraqi lawmaker: PMOI members must be treated based on international law


NCRI – The chairman of the foreign affairs committee of Iraq’s Parliament has said that several thousand members of the main Iranian opposition group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, PMOI (Mujahedin-e-Khalq, MEK), in Camp Liberty, Baghdad, should be treated in accordance with international law, the Palestinian website Donya al-Watan has said in report. The following is the full text of the report:

Donya al-Watan website – July 26, 2015

Relations with PMOI is in accordance with international law and not personal preferences

Hassan Chuird Al-Hamdani, the chairman of the Iraqi Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, stated that our treatment of members of the opposition group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) residing in Camp Liberty is based on judicial opinions.

Al-Hamdani stated that the treatment of the refugees in Camp Liberty is based on law and international conventions and not personal preferences. Although they have a right to protection and basic humanitarian needs, they have to abide by Iraq’s constitution for as long as they remain in Iraq.

He rejected media statements that have quoted him as calling for PMOI members to leave Iraq.

He also rejected a media report about him attempting to expel PMOI members from Iraq or to support measures in contradiction to UN rules to evict them from that country.

“Any statement or communiqué related to me and published by any media on this subject is fabricated and void of truth,” Al-Hamdani stated.

He elucidated that these fabrications are in the framework of a media war between political sides that are attempting to shape things the way they desire.

“In the Foreign Affairs Committee of Iraq’s Parliament we work to implement UN laws and conventions, including those related to refugees and foreigners residing in Iraq, and this translates into abiding by the law,” he further stipulated.

Al-Hamdani emphasized that the human rights of Camp Liberty residents are guaranteed by UN laws and conventions since they have been classified as refugees by the United Nations.

On July 11, 2015, the Ashraf News website published remarks that it related to Mr. Al-Hamdani that said that he does not wish PMOI (MEK) members to remain in Iraq.

It should be reminded that Camp Liberty residents who are affiliated with the PMOI and are residing in Iraq are asking for their human rights to be respected as people classified as refugees by the United Nations. They are also demanding the removal of the siege imposed on them by Iraqi authorities.