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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsIAEA wants access to nuclear "sites and personnel in Iran"

IAEA wants access to nuclear “sites and personnel in Iran”


The UN atomic watchdog chief called Monday on Iran to cooperate more in a probe into nuclear weapons activity, a key part in a possible nuclear deal with world powers.

The International Atomic Energy Agency “remains ready to accelerate the resolution of all outstanding issues,” agency head Yukiya Amano told a regular meeting of the IAEA’s board of governors in Vienna.

“This can be realized by increased cooperation by Iran and by timely provision of access to all relevant information, documentation, sites material and personnel in Iran,” Amano said according to the text of his speech.

The IAEA also wants the Iranian regime to answer about conducting research into making a nuclear weapon.

An IAEA probe into the “possible military dimensions” (PMD) has been stalled since last August.

Western powers say that advancing the investigation is a vital part of the hoped-for June 30 deal, which would see Iran scale down its nuclear program in return from relief from sanctions.

A statement from Iran and the six powers in Lausanne said that under the final accord, the IAEA would “be permitted the use of modern technologies and will have enhanced access through agreed procedures, including to clarify past and present issues”.

Amano said Monday that clearing up the allegations is “possible within a reasonable timeframe if Iran implements the measures envisaged” in Lausanne.

He also said that Iran’s implementation of the Additional Protocol of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty would “significantly increase the agency’s ability to provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in the country”.

Meanwhile, the European Union is telling the Iranian regime to cooperate with a stalled U.N. probe, according to a copy of EU statement The Associated Press has obtained.

The EU statement says getting to the bottom of the probe “will be essential” to a nuclear deal.

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