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IRAN: High ranking IRGC commander rejects inspection of military sites


A senior general of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) said Friday that Western demands from Teheran to allow inspection of its military sites as part of a future nuclear deal would receive “a response with lead.”

Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the head of the IRGC’s aerospace arm, said that his regime would never accept Western powers’ insistence on inspection of suspected nuclear sites housed in military facilities, calling it tantamount to allowing them to spy on the Iranian military.

“We will not allow inspection of Iran’s military and defense centers and control over them under any pretext, and we see the West’s request as officially asking for spying on Iran,” Hajizadeh was quoted by state-run Fars news agency as saying.

Hajizadeh also stressed that as Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has said his regime “will not allow them to do managed or unmanaged inspection of its military and defense sites from any distance and in any form, and will give such demands a response that spying actions deserve, a response with hot lead.’”

Hajizadeh also stated, “We are facing an American conspiracy; today, we are engaged in a full-scale economic, cultural, security and political war with them.”

The Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei rejected IAEA inspections of military sites and interview with nuclear scientists on Wednesday, May 20, thus disclosing his intentions to carry on the regime’s policy of concealment and duplicity in a bid to complete and advance its nuclear projects.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, made the following comment in this regard: Khamenei’s remarks and his regime’s conducts which coincide with the nuclear talks, reaffirm the fact that force and firmness are the only language the mullahs’ regime understands. After three decades of concealment and deception, adding six or nine months to the breakout time does not comprise a solution. Only the stringent implementation of UN Security Council resolutions can definitely prevent the regime from gaining access to the nuclear bomb. Placating negotiations with this religious fascism will not secure the world from the threat of nuclear-armed mullahs but will further incite their danger to the peoples of Iran, region and the world by giving time to the terrorist mullahs.

Mrs. Rajavi added: The nuclear bomb guarantees the Iranian regime’s survival and is requisite to its hegemony over the region. This is why the people of Iran earnestly oppose this program and the Iranian Resistance calls for a democratic and non-nuclear Iran. (Read full text here and here) .