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What is Iranian regime hiding in its nuclear program?


In an article published in Newsweek on Tuesday, Lord Alex Carlile of Berriew, a Liberal Democrat member of the U.K. House of Lords and Giulio Maria Terzi, former Italian foreign minister warn that any signing of a nuclear agreement with Tehran should be hinged upon the outcome of inspection of the Lavizan-3 site, the Parchin site and other pending and unanswered issues regarding the nature of the Iranian nuclear program.

The writers hoped that “France, the U.S. Congress and other relevant players will provide sufficient support to the IAEA and will encourage it to demand immediate inspection of the Lavizan-3 site and make its findings public quickly.”

“Unless Tehran is compelled to comply with these demands, any belief regarding the peaceful and civilian nature of the Iranian nuclear program will be delusional, and there will be no credible assurance that Tehran’s pathways to obtaining nuclear weapons have been blocked,” they said.

Read the article here