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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyIRAQ: Illegal detention of Iranian Camp Liberty resident extended for sixth time

IRAQ: Illegal detention of Iranian Camp Liberty resident extended for sixth time


Illegal detention of Mr. Zakery while ignoring United Nations documents regarding his status and allowing the Iranian regime to meddle in his case as well as preventing him to undergo a scheduled surgery indicate that this is a case of planned hostage taking

NCRI – In the fourth week of the illegal detention of Mr. Safar Zakery, a Camp Liberty resident, on pretext of a suspicious traffic accident, and following a series of illegal and suspicious measures, the investigative judge Nasser Moussavi extended Mr. Zakery detention for the sixth time deferring the next deliberation until April 14. He is waiting for a reply from mullahs’ regime embassy in Baghdad, which clearly indicates a fresh conspiracy against Mr. Safar Zakery and Camp Liberty residents.

The judge who knew that Mr. Safar Zakery is a refugee under supervision of UNHCR that is covered by the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Government of Iraq and the United Nations on 25 December 2011 and who had in possession Mr. Zakery’s official “Protected Person” card, in a shocking measure, made a written request to the mullahs’ regime embassy in Baghdad to specify the identity and record of Mr. Safar Zakery.

On 18 February 2015, the specialist physician visited Mr. Zakery who has been suffering from BPH for several years and gave him an appointment for surgery for April 5. Despite the fact that this document was provided to the court, the Iraqi authorities under the command of Faleh Fayyad, Iraq’s Security Advisor, took Mr. Zakery to the hospital and in a repulsive histrionics and after a simple test and without referring to the specialist physician declared that he has no need for surgery. Thus, they practically cancelled an appointment that he had been waiting for since a long time, deferring it to an unknown future which endangers Mr. Zakery’s health.

Therefore, the arrest of Mr. Zakery in an accident that he was not at all guilty for, extending his detention six times, plus obstruction of his scheduled operation, leaves no doubt that the terrorist Qods Force and the mullahs’ regime embassy are shaping this criminal hostage taking. Despite removing all fictitious ambiguities concerning Mr. Zakery’s residence by the UNHCR, his detention is being continually extended.

The Iranian Resistance voices deep concern regarding the ominous and criminal intentions of keeping Mr. Safar Zakery in detention that1h is a flagrant breach of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Government of Iraq and the United Nations, as well as a violation of international refugee law, and calls on the U.S. government, UNAMI and UNHCR that have repeatedly committed themselves to the wellbeing and security of the residents to take urgent measures to end this hostage taking and secure the immediate release of Mr. Zakery foiling the ominous plots of the religious dictatorship ruling Iran and its Iraqi proxies.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 7, 2015