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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIRAN: Call to save six Sunni political prisoners on death row

IRAN: Call to save six Sunni political prisoners on death row


NCRI – The Iranian Resistance calls to save the lives of six Sunni political prisoners facing execution in Iran.

Hamed Ahmadi, 33, Jahangrir and Jamshid Dehghani (two brothers, 28 and 29), Kamal Mowlaie 30, Seddiq Mohammadi, 28, and Hadi Hosseini, 31, were abruptly transferred to an unknown location on Tuesday to await their execution.

The Iranian Resistance urges all international human rights organizations, particularly the UN Human Rights Council and the High Commissioner for Human Rights, UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Iran, the Working Group on Arbitrary detention, and the UN Rapporteur on extrajudicial summary executions to take all necessary steps to prevent the execution of these prisoners.

The regime’s judiciary has sentenced to death these prisoners for their religious beliefs. They have been convicted of making ‘propaganda against the system (regime)’, ‘being corrupt on earth’ and ‘Moharebeh (waging war against God).
At 7:00 AM on Tuesday, more than 100 anti-riot forces raided Ward 10 of Gohardasht Prison in the city of Karaj where Sunni prisoners are being held.

They searched the ward and body searched the prisoners, and took along the six prisoners. This surprise raid was aimed at preventing the prisoners’ resistance and protest.

Continuation of shameful policy of appeasement vis-à-vis this inhuman regime and the silence of the US and the EU against dire situation of human rights in Iran, in particular the increasing number of executions, emboldens the religious fascism ruling Iran not only in brutal and systematic violation of human rights, but also in export of terrorism and fundamentalism and continuing nuclear projects.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 3, 2015