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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsEU: Iran nuclear talks to continue on Sunday in Geneva

EU: Iran nuclear talks to continue on Sunday in Geneva


The Political Directors of the E3/EU+3 and Iran will meet on 22 February 2015 in Geneva to continue their efforts towards reaching a long-term, comprehensive solution to the Iranian nuclear issue, a statement by the European Union’s External Action said.

This meeting will be preceded by a bilateral meeting between the United States and the Iranian regime with the participation Helga Schmid who will then chair the Political Directors’ meeting on Sunday.

Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s will travel Sunday to Geneva to meet Javad Zarig, the foreign minister of the Iranian regime and European negotiators.

The talks are an opportunity to “continue to make progress” ahead of a March deadline for a deal, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

The talks next week on Iran’s nuclear program will come at a time when a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency showed on Thursday that the Iranian regime has not still provided information about its atomic bomb research.

Delegations from Tehran and Washington started on Friday another round of bilateral talks over the regime’s nuclear program. The U.S. negotiating team is led by Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman.

A diplomatic official with the U.S. Mission in Geneva told Xinhua that issues including centrifuges and sanctions are on the table during these closed-door meetings.

The source with the U.S. Mission told Xinhua that Kerry was scheduled to leave Geneva late Monday afternoon.