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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyFor the 4th week Iraq blocks delivery of gasoline to Iranian dissidents...

For the 4th week Iraq blocks delivery of gasoline to Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty


NCRI – For the fourth consecutive week, Iraqi forces prevented entry of gasoline to Camp Liberty. Previously, in the months of August, September and October, entry of gasoline to the camp was also blocked for many weeks.

The gasoline purchased by the residents is wholly consumed by vehicles used for public services or transport of patients and the injured inside the camp.

Commute in camp’s graveled pathways and muddy roads, especially in the winter season, is overbearing and next to impossible for the patients.

The Iraqi agents, on the one hand, prevent construction and asphalting the roads in the camp and on the other hand by blocking the delivery of gasoline that render the existing vehicles in the camp unusable further torture the ill and the injured residents.

Ever since the resident were transferred from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty, based on a trilateral agreement with the Government of Iraq and UNAMI, the residents purchased a limited amount of gasoline every week for these vehicles.

The supplying company also provided this amount of gasoline at residents’ expense from the outset, but in the past months, the Iraqi forces have been hampering the entry of gasoline using absurd pretenses.
This suppressive measure that is a blatant breach of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by Government of Iraq and UNAMI is being numerously discussed with UNAMI verbally or in writing, but no effective action has been taken to resolve this matter.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 1, 2015