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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceSupporting Iranian Resistance will end barbarism of regime, political prisoners declare

Supporting Iranian Resistance will end barbarism of regime, political prisoners declare


NCRI – The international community must support the Iranian Resistance as the only way to end human rights abuses in Iran, Iranian political prisoners have announced in a statement.

The declaration came after a resolution by the United Nations harshly criticised widespread abuses and the suppression of citizens in the regime.The group of prisoners in Gohardasht Prison and the main prison in city of Karaj said in their statement: “The only way to counter this medieval regime is to fully support the Iranian people and their Resistance.

“TO this end, we the signatories of this statement demand that the international community end their policy of appeasement with the regime, which is the godfather of terrorism and refer the Iranian regime’s human rights record to the United Nations to implement binding measures in this regard.”

On December 18, the 61st resolution condemning the violation of human rights in the Iran under the mullahs’ rule was adopted by the UN General Assembly.

The prisoners demand also follows a call by Iranian Resistance leader Maryam Rajavi urging the international community to adopt binding provisions against the rising trend of executions and the systematic and serious violation of human rights in Iran. She stressed that the regime is the world record holder not just for the number of executions, but also for barbaric oppression in all other realms.

She called for the United Nations Security Council to refer the regime’s criminal record to the International Criminal Court, and said that as long as the mullahs are not held accountable for human rights violations and increasing executions, they will neither abandon their production of nuclear weapons, nor their support for terrorism or domination in the Middle East.