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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIranian regime escalates suppression of Baha’is

Iranian regime escalates suppression of Baha’is


NCRI – Concurrent with increasing arbitrary executions and conducting acid and knife attacks against women, the clerical regime is planning to escalate the oppression of Baha’is.

Abbas Ramazanipour, the Ali Khamenei’s representative in the city of Rafsanjan, speaking to regime officials in the city on Tuesday, said: “The aberrant Baha’i sect is unclean and selling to and buying goods from them is haram [religiously forbidden]… they resorted to many things in our town and it is the rightful demand of the people that they should not be in the town; this demand should be implemented”

“In Rafsanjan, there are a number of these groups and sects and they are living in neighborhoods and amongst ordinary people since people are unaware of their presence. They conduct business and they can’t even be recognized,” he added. (State-run Fars News Agency, affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards – December 2, 2014.)

These statements are clearly aimed at paving the way for the intensification of suppression and discrimination against Iranian Baha’is.

The move replicates criminal scenarios such as throwing acid on the faces of Iranian women or stabbing them with a knife.

The criminal acts against women began after Ali Khamenei and other leaders of the regime ordered harsher action against what they describe as ‘improperly dressed’ women and the issue became a subject of sermons by the criminal mullahs in Iran.

Suppression, torture and massacre, including against followers of various faiths, is being continued by the regime as a necessary means of survival for this medieval regime and so long as this regime is in power, the condition of human rights in Iran will not improve.

In legislation adopted on November 12, 1985, the National Council of Resistance of Iran stipulates that in the Iran of after the toppling of mullahs, “implementation of any kind of discrimination against followers of various religions and faiths in them benefiting from individual and social rights is prohibited. No citizen has any privilege or disadvantage in being elected, to elect, employment, receiving education, being judge, or other individual or social rights because of believing or not believing in an ideology, religion or faith” and adds that “the competence of judicial officials is not derived from their religious or ideological position; and laws that are not derived from the legislative body are not recognized and lack credibility”.

Once again, the Iranian Resistance brings the attention of the international community, especially the United Nations, the European Union and the United States, to the barbaric and systematic violation of human rights in Iran, including the violation of rights of followers of various religions and beliefs and faiths, and calls for adoption of binding decisions against a medieval regime that persistently violates international conventions, laws and recognized standards.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 4, 2014