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Saudi Arabia: Iranian regime must withdraw from Syria

suadi-al-faisalThe Iranian regime must withdraw its “occupying” forces from Syria to help resolve that country’s conflict, Saudi Foreign Minister said on Monday after talks with his German counterpart.

Prince Saud al-Faisal said in Jeddah: “Our reservations are about Iran’s policy in the region, not about Iran as a country or people.”

“In many conflicts, Iran is part of the problem, not the solution,” Prince Saud at a joint press conference in the Red Sea city of Jeddah with Germany’s Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

“In this case, we can say that Iranian forces in Syria are occupying forces,” aiding Bashar al-Assad, whom he described as an “illegitimate” leader.

“If Iran wants to be part of the solution in Syria, it has to pull its forces from Syria. The same applies elsewhere, whether in Yemen or Iraq,” the Saudi minister said.

Meanwhile the Iranian opposition, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) revealed on Monday that the Iranian regime’s strategy in the region remains investing in and keeping Bashar al-Assad regime in power at all cost.

According to a confidential report by the Iranian regime’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Khamenei has emphasized that “the Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen axis” is crucial “for the Islamic Republic of Iran and there should be no retreat in this regard” and that all “necessary measures” should be implemented to this end.

It is through this axis that “we can encircle the rest of the Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia and Jordan,” and put pressure on countries such as Egypt, the report says.

According to the document, the IRGC commanders and operational forces are directly present to direct intricate operations against Syrian opposition.

Many of the IRGC and Quds Force (QF) officers and commanders who had retired or were busy elsewhere in the government returned to IRGC and were transferred to Syria. The IRGC drones collect extensive information on the opposition to further enable Bashar Assad forces to attack them.

Khamenei has allocated to Syria the military and political budget and expense of a country, says the report that has been prepared after the September 30, 2014 visit to Syria by the Iranian regime’s Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, during which he met with Bashar al-Assad and other Syrian government officials.