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HomeIran News NowIran Nuclear NewsNo concessions should be given to mullahs in Iran nuclear talks: ISJ

No concessions should be given to mullahs in Iran nuclear talks: ISJ

Press Release by International Committee in Search of Justice, 29 Sept. 2014:

Talks in New York between Iran and 5+1 on its nuclear program made no real progress last week with significant gaps remaining on major issues, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said. He also informed that a possible meeting of foreign ministers from Iran and the six powers in New York had been cancelled because of a lack of progress.

At the same time the Associated Press has reported that the U.S. is considering softening present demands that Iran gut its uranium enrichment program in favour of a new proposal that would allow Tehran to keep up to 4500 centrifuges intact.

The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives John Boehner reacted to the AP report: “Iran is a statesponsor of terror. It has no interest in a stable, strong Iraq. The country has a deplorable human rights record, and it still has American hostages. Furthermore, there is no evidence that Iran intends to comply with honest  transparency and accountability measures over its nuclear ambitions. At a time when we are asking other governments in the Middle East to help the United States take on and destroy ISIL, we are giving a pass to Iran, which is the number one threat to the entire region.”

ISJ once again reiterates that obtaining a nuclear weapon is vital for the Iranian regime and it would only give up this project when faced with a firm policy by the international community. If the news of the proposal by White House is true, as reported by the AP, it will be a recipe for disaster. To implement the UN Security Council resolutions, Iran must stop uranium enrichment, permit IAEA uncalled inspections of the nuclear sites and allow interviews with its nuclear scientists. Otherwise the world would soon have to confront a nuclear armed regime in Tehran under the mullahs.