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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranSyrian opposition welcomes Obama's speech on ISIS

Syrian opposition welcomes Obama’s speech on ISIS

The Syrian opposition welcomed U.S. President Barack Obama’s statement that he won’t hesitate to conduct airstrikes inside Syria as part of his fight against the Islamic State.

The Syrian National Coalition statement welcoming Obama’s speech qouted SNC chairman Hadi al-Bahra as saying that his organization is ready “ready and willing to partner with the international community” not only to defeat the Islamic State, but also to “rid the Syrian people of the tyranny of the Assad regime.”

He said the Free Syrian Army could achieve victory it if received the necessary international assistance.

Meanwhile, the official Syrian news agency SANA defined Obama’s policy as one of sponsoring terrorism and torpedoing any attempt to resolve the Syrian crisis diplomatically. “The American government says it supports a diplomatic solution, but issues decisions to supply arms and money to terrorists,” it wrote.

Ali Haidar, Syria’s minister of national reconciliation, said that any military action on Syrian territory that wasn’t coordinated with the Syrian government would constitute aggression and violate international law.