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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismOne year after Syrian chemical attack massacre

One year after Syrian chemical attack massacre

The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon conveyed his deepest condolences to families who lost loved ones at the chemical weapons attack in Ghouta, Syria, which is entering its one year anniversary.

Ban called on the international community to remember those who perished in this inhumane act.

The chemical weapons attack, carried out with sarin gas, took place in the suburbs of Damascus, known as Eastern and Western Ghouta, on Aug. 21 last year and a U.S. investigation found it killed more than 1,400 people. Survivors say the destruction of the Syrian chemical arsenal is no consolation for the loss of loved ones or the harsh, ongoing military siege by Assad’s army.

The Aug. 21, 2013, attack was almost certainly the single deadliest event in Syria since the people’s uprising against the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assab began in March 2011.

However, Ban who had described the attack the “worst use of weapons of mass destruction in the 21st century,” said: “the Syrian conflict not only continues unabated, but it has spilled over into neighboring countries, sparking a humanitarian catastrophe and fuelling further human rights violations and crimes against humanity.”

A lack of international action to the chemical attack in Syria sent wrong message to dictators particularly the mullahs in Iran and its puppet Nouri al-Maliki in Iraq.

The Iranian regime considers its military support for the Syrian dictatorship to be part of its ‘war against America’, a senior Revolutionary Guards commanders said in May.

Colonel Mohammad Eskandari, an IRGC commander in city of Malayer, said: “IRGC commanders have prepared and equipped 42 divisions and 138 battalions in Syria, and are fully prepared militarily to fight the enemy.

“Today’s war in Syria is really our war with US.”

Hamedan Province Deputy IRGC Commander Mazaher Majdi added: “Iran’s front line is in Syria and Lebanon, and this is a religious duty for us.

“If we do not defend them today, the enemy’s trench will be beside our border.”

When in June the world leaders described the “election” under Assad in Syria as “a grotesque parody of democracy” and “a great big zero”, Hassan Rouhani, the alleged ‘moderate’ president of the clerical regime congratulated Assad and described it as a “significant and hope-inspiring event, which is in line with democracy.”

Killing of the American journalist James Foley by the ISIS in anniversary of the chemical attack more than ever underscores the need for a firm regional and international policy against the extremism and fundamentalism under the cover of religion.

Major crimes by the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) and its affiliated terrorists in Iraq and Syria, and the massacres of the people in both these countries allowed for the growth of groups such as ISIS, who have diverted the people’s resistance against dictatorship to the benefit of Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and Bashar al-Assad.

Terrorism and fundamentalism under the name of Islam is an ominous phenomenon which has turned to a global threat in contemporary history since the inception of the rule of the religious fascism in Iran and will not be uprooted as long as this regime is in power.

The eviction of the Iranian regime from the countries of the region, particularly from Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, is indispensable to ending such terror and horror in the Middle East and the world.