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Urgent call on US UN to act as Iranian regime continues demanding Iraq extradite PMOI (MEK)

NCRI – Two days after the head Iranian regime’s Judiciary demanded his Iraqi counterpart the extradition of members of People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the regime’s foreign ministry spokesman said on May 20: “In the discussions between the Iranian and Iraqi authorities, we have the issue of PMOI (MEK)… we have constantly called on the Iraqi government to hand them over to Iran… this matter is being followed up through other channels as well… the foreign ministry, for its part, has this issue in its mandate and this matter is being followed through pertinent sources.”

In a meeting with the head of Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council, the head of Iranian mullahs’ Judiciary, Sadeq Larijani, who is directly responsible for the daily executions in Iran, had stated on May 18: “In the framework of the accord on extradition of criminals, we request that the PMOI (MEK) who are present in Iraq be returned to Iran to be fairly tried, since if they are not tried that would be against justice”! (State-run media, May 18)

Similarly, on March 2, the regime’s Minister of Justice, Mostafa Pourmohammadi who is responsible for the massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, in a meeting with his Iraqi counterpart, called for the extradition of the PMOI in the framework of (the agreement) for extradition of criminals between the two countries.

It was on 26 September 2012, that for the first time concurrent with the removal of PMOI (MEK) from the U.S. list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, Larijani, as the head of the Judiciary Branch, in a meeting with senior judicial officials of the regime, in despair and in a harsh protest to the U.S. government’s decision, declared: “This grouplet has drenched in blood over 17,000 from the most senior officials to ordinary people in the alleys and markets… the leaders and the members of this grouplet should be extradited and tried and should meet their punishment. We warn the U.S. government that they should know that the Iranian government shall never forgo the crimes of the Monafeqin grouplet against the Iranian nation.”

The absurd and repeated requests by mullahs’ Judiciary head and its reverberation by this regime’s Minister of Justice and its foreign ministry for the extradition of refugees who enjoy “international protection”, before all else, demonstrates the fright and the growing fear of this regime from the popular rage and the prevalent social discontent, as well as the capability and the position of the organized resistance of the Iranian people, especially after it has forced the “nuclear poison” on this anti-human regime.

The crisis-riddled mullahs’ regime that considers this situation as paving the way for its overthrow by the people and the youth throughout Iran, along with the internal executions and the massacre, is struggling in vain to defer this inescapable fate by suppressing the PMOI members in Camp Liberty prison who are an inspiration to the struggle of the Iranian people.

Here, we have a regime talking about “justice” that has executed 120,000 political prisoners and that according to its law, anyone associated or cooperating with the PMOI is considered a Mohareb to be punished by death.

In 1988, Khomeini personally issued a Fatwa that “those who are in prisons throughout the country and remain steadfast in their support for the Monafeqin [PMOI] are Mohareb and condemned to be executed”. According to this Fatwa, 30,000 political prisoners were massacred. This is the greatest crime against humanity since World War II that its perpetrators have not been brought to justice. The Iranian people and their Resistance have persistently called for the referral of this file to the International Criminal Court and the trial of this regime’s leaders.

In less than five years, the religious dictatorship ruling Iran has arranged for a series of twenty ground or missile attacks on Ashraf and Camp Liberty through its paid hands and its subordinate government in Iraq martyring 116, injuring 1375, and taking hostage seven residents. Moreover, 20 people have been tormented to death by a medical blockade.

In its statement of May 6, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees accentuated: “UNHCR further underlines that camp residents are entitled to protection against expulsion or forced return to any place where their life or freedom would be threatened. The Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Iraq and the United Nations explicitly recognizes that residents benefit from the principle of non-refoulement [not to be forcibly transferred, expelled or extradited].”

The Iranian Resistance issues warning about the ominous intentions of the mullahs’ regime and the claims and statements of the head of its Judiciary, Minister of Justice, and foreign ministry. It calls on the U.S. government and the United Nations that have repeatedly and in writing committed themselves to the safety and security of Camp Liberty residents to condemn such statements and to adopt immediate and effective measures to protect the residents of Camp Liberty. Silence in face of these statements that breach all credible international laws and covenants emboldens this regime and its proxies in Iraq in their illegal and anti-human actions.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 21, 2014